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AMX_Super Pooper
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Old 06-08-2007 , 23:50   Re: Personal Firendly Fire
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But no help eh :/ Exept for Master of course who send me the tracelines, but I cannot do anything with them. Its beyond my skill level by far.
//    FM_Trace_Line() - Executing Global and module specific settings to FM_Trace_Line() 
public FM_Trace_Line(Float:start[3], Float:end[3], noMonsters, id, trace){ 
    new hit_ok 
    new victim = get_tr(TR_pHit) // Victim ID 
    new hitgroup = get_tr(TR_iHitgroup) // Hitgroup 
        if(util_is_valid_player(id) && util_is_valid_player(victim)){ 
#if defined _AMMXX_USE_REPORTER_                    // REPORTER INCLUDED 
            if(MODULE_OK == util_is_module_active(MODULE_REPORTER)){ 
                // Take SS if ok 
                if(REP_SS_MODE[id] & MODE_C){ 
                    if(REP_SS_MODE[id] & MODE_F){ 
                        new ptime[10], pname[32], pip[16], pid[35] 
                        get_time("%H:%M:%S", ptime, 9) 
                        get_user_name(id, pname, 32) 
                        get_user_ip(id, pip, 15, 1) 
                        get_user_authid(id, pid, 34) 
                        client_print(id, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REP_SS_STAMP", PLUGINHEAD, ptime, pname, pip, pid) 
                    client_cmd(id, "snapshot") 
                    if(REP_SS_MODE[id] & MODE_E) client_print(id, print_chat, "%L", PLUGINHEAD, LANG_PLAYER, "REP_SS_SHOWSELF") 
#endif                                    // END REPORTER INCLUDED 
            // Is valid hit ? 
            hit_ok = ((1<<hitgroup) & GLOBAL_HITZONES[id][victim]) 
            // Not a valid hit 
                set_tr(TR_flFraction, 1.0) 
                set_tr(TR_pHit, -1) 
                set_tr(TR_iHitgroup, 0) 

#if defined _AMMXX_USE_FUN_                        // FUN INCLUDED 
    if(hit_ok && MODULE_OK == util_is_module_active(MODULE_FUN)){ 
        new trash = util_check_state(PCVAR_FUN_WEAPONIMMUNITY) 
            if((trash < 0 && util_is_valid_player(victim, 1, 1)) || trash == 1){ 
                new wpn_id = get_user_weapon(id, trash, trash) 
                if(util_get_bit(IMMUNETOWEAPON[victim], wpn_id - 1)){ 
                    set_tr(TR_flFraction, 1.0) 
                    set_tr(TR_pHit, -1) 
                    set_tr(TR_iHitgroup, 0) 
                    hit_ok = 0 
#endif                                    // END FUN INCLUDED 
    if(hit_ok) return FMRES_IGNORED 
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