Thread: AMX_Super 3.0
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AMX_Super Pooper
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Old 06-07-2007 , 15:13   Re: AMX_Super 3.0
Reply With Quote #15

& 3.4 is almost ready togo. To make sure we have everything all I have todo is make sure all you guys have this:

(The Ammo has been changed)

AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER = [AMXX] Successfully transfered %s to the %s team
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_TEAM = [AMXX] You have been transfered to the %s team
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_ERROR_CASE1 = [AMXX] You can't swap players that are on the same team!
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_ERROR_CASE2 = [AMXX] You can't swap players that are not in a team!
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_SUCCESS = [AMXX] Successfully swapped %s with %s
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_MESSAGE1 = [AMXX] You have been swapped with %s
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_MESSAGE2 = [AMXX] You have been swapped with %s
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_TEAM_SUCCESS = [AMXX] Successfully swapped the teams!
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_SWAP_PLAYERS_LOG = [AMX_Super] TEAMTRANSFER: ^"%s<%s>^" swapped ^"%s^" with ^"%s^"
AMX_SUPER_TRANSFER_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] TEAMTRANSFER: ^"%s<%s>^" transfered ^"%s^" to the ^"%s^" team

AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Set Unlimited ammo on %s to ^"%d^" 
AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Set Unlimited ammo on %s to ^"%d^" 
AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_MSG = [AMXX] ADMIN Set Unlimited ammo on %s to ^"%d^" 
AMX_SUPER_AMMO_PLAYER_LOG = [AMX_Super] AMMO: ADMIN ^"%s<%s>^" Set Unlimited ammo on ^"%s^" to ^"%d^" 
AMX_SUPER_AMMO_TEAM_CASE1 = [AMXX] ADMIN Set Unlimited ammo on all %s to ^"%d^" 
AMX_SUPER_AMMO_TEAM_CASE2 = [AMXX] ADMIN %s Set Unlimited ammo on all %s to ^"%d^" 
AMX_SUPER_AMMO_TEAM_MSG = [AMXX] ADMIN Set Unlimited ammo on all %s to ^"%d^" 
AMX_SUPER_AMMO_TEAM_LOG = [AMX_Super] AMMO: ADMIN ^"%s<%s>^" set unlimited ammo on all ^"%s^" to ^"%d^" 

AMX_SUPER_BOMB_TRANSFER = Bomb transferred to ^"%s^"^nsince ^"%s^" is AFK

AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_CANNOT_EXTEND = [AMXX] You cannot extend the maptime by a negative number.
AMX_SUPER_EXTEND_SUCCESS = [AMXX] %s has extended the map time by %i minutes
Some of you may, some may not. Just makin sure
bmann_420 is offline