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Join Date: Jun 2006
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Old 04-23-2007 , 23:46   Re: Gun control problem!
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Anyone can have one.
uuh, correct me if I'm wrong. I am an immigrant from sweden, but isn't that the whole fucking point of having the right to bear arms? Havn't you noticed that regulations mean very little here? People can STILL find ways to obtain weapons, even if it were completely illegal to carry a gun the kid from the Virginia Tech shooting would of found a different way to commit mass murder, probably poisonous gas. Probably the easiest and most effeciant way to kill someone is to go out buy some Chlorine and mix it with ammonia to create mustard gas. Are you saying we should have strict regulations on our CLEANING products TOO?
The whole point in the right to bear arms is to protect ourselves against people who are willing to commit murder. If we make so many rules that we can't even defend ourselves, while murderers who obviously don't care much for rules and regulations will still murder. Doesn't it defeat the purpose?
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