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AMX Mod X Beta Tester
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Poland
Old 12-20-2006 , 16:06   Re: CSDM 2.1d beta
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Originally Posted by Simon Logic
(see csdm.ini)
I believe You are talking about csdm.cfg (not csdm.ini).

Originally Posted by Simon Logic
* added ammo refill mode customization (see csdm.ini); thus no more problems with item_mode detection
In my version in csdm_equip there is a check if csdm_add_items cvar is set to 1 to recognize itemmode enabled (remember - it may be changed also during the game from the menu, so reading cfg file doesn't guarante 100% it will work for You). My method is also not the best - there is a need to add some forward or some kind of inter plugins communication (I've been talking about that with BAILOPAN and with Faluco, but they are currently too much busy to work on CSDM right now).

Originally Posted by Simon Logic
* support of flag "e" in remove_objectives param to strip map items (see csdm.ini)
I wanted it, too, but BAILOPAN said me he doesn' like the idea to include all these strip stuffs into misc plugin, because if someone will find the new kind of entities he wants to strip from the map, it would need to rewrite and recompile and release the new version of csdm_misc plugin. BAILOPAN would rather see the new plugin as csdm_strip (or whatever we will call it) which will remove all entities You list/define in csdm.cfg in some new section as [entity_strip] or something like that.
I would suggest You re-name Your version to 2.1f (You can change the version number in and recompile plugins).

BTW - can You check if in FFA enabled You can see still some warnings about TA/TK? Some user posted it as a bug, but I haven't had time to test it and I suggested him to switch of ATAC plugin (that one I know doesn't care about FFA, which is easy to solve - just need to check mp_freeforall cvar...).
The Fullpack of podbot mm V3B22 - 24 apr 2012!!! is available here.
The All-In-One 3.2a package - 02 jun 2013 (AMX X 1.8.2 [with ATAC 3.0.1b , CSDM2.1.3c beta, CM OE 0.6.5, podbot mm V3B22c and mm 1.20) is available here.
The newest Beta V3B23a (rel. 28 august 2018!!!) is available here.
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