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el hippo
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Texas
Old 10-15-2006 , 16:44   Entity Grabber / 'Gravity Gun' (15 Sep 2007) [Important News: July 2008]
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This plugin is an attempt to create an entity manipulation tool for source mods. The plugin allows a select list of users (specified in a cvar) to move physics props, entities, and players around. This plugin is unique in the fact that it allows you to throw objects at other objects, and allows you to damage players by throwing them towards the ground. The newest version now supports damaging players by throwing props at them. This somewhat mimics the gravity gun / physcannon in hl2.

Important News ( July 4, 2008 ): A user access bug was discovered that could allow players to gain unauthorized access to grabber commands. This problem only occurs if a default user level is not set. Workaround details can be found at .

Current Version (grabber_version cvar): 1.2.2 beta - Sep 15, 2007 (Beta + New Features) - Make sure you update grabber_config.txt

- Download the zip file from the download link below and extract to your mod directory (cstrike for css).
- Add the line "addons/grabber/bin/grabber_mm" (without quotes) in your metaplugins.ini
- Modify the grabber_config.txt file located in addons/grabber/ to configure your settings. Users, spawnable models, and other options are located in this file. All older configuration cvars have been removed since most settings require a map reload anyways.

Commands (grab_help)
+grab / -grab - Used when bound to a single key to grab when held down.
grab_toggle - Toggles grabbing.
grab_forward / grab_reverse - Moves grab target forward / reverse.
grab_shoot - Accelerates the grabbed object like a projectile.

New Commands (Beta)
+physcannon - Bind to key to allow physcannon 'like' usage
grab_freeze / grab_unfreeze - Freezes an objects (disables physics motion).
grab_spawn <item name / id> - Spawns an item from the models list (either by list index or shortcut)
grab_spawnlist <search name / id> - Lists spawnable items matching search criteria
grab_delete - Deletes object you currently have grabbed
grab_teleport - (Beta) Teleports you to the location you are pointing at. You may get stuck in walls...
grab_testspawn <item name / id> <classname> - Test spawning items with different classnames. Mostly for debug.

grabber_version - Version cvar. (There seems to be a linux bug when querying this cvar, so don't try querying it and don't set it).

     1.2.2 Beta - Fixed huge crash bug related to player ownership tracking.
                      Added grab distance and per player entity spawn limits.
                      Added a bunch of new admin access levels.
                      ** Make sure you update your grabber_config.txt since there are a bunch of new options.
     1.2.0 beta - Added a bunch of new commands.  Fixed crash bugs related to bad entities.  This version has been tested for a few months and 'seems' stable.
                      You may now throw objects at players and damage them (you get the damage and kill).
                      There is a linux bug with the grabber_version cvar, so don't mess with that cvar on linux.  I am investigating this problem.
     1.1.1 - Added grabber_mode cvar to select mode of operation (0 = grab all, 1 = players only, 2 = physics objects only).
               Added an 'all players' flag that allows all players to use the plugin.  To do this, set grabber_users "*" .  That is, put a * anywhere in the grabber_users cvar.
               Switched from clientcommands to console commands.  This removes the annoying 'unknown command' errors from the player console.
               Optimized the plugin by removing extraneous hooks.
     1.00 - Linux binary fixed (linked binary to mathlib_i486.a in sdk).
     1.00 - Initial windows binary release posted.
Known Bugs
- Linux CVAR crash bug.  Don't touch the grabber_* cvars for now.
- Does not work with DOD:S yet.  I am still working on it.
- L Duke for his entity spawning code and help.

This plugin currently only works on CS Source. I am currently working on DOD:S compatibility.

Download Link: (Version 1.2.2 beta Posted)

Demo Video:

Thanks to: c0ldfyr3, L. Duke, Knagg0, and everyone else who helped me on these forums.


Last edited by el hippo; 07-12-2008 at 16:36. Reason: plugin update
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