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Old 07-24-2006 , 20:25   Re: Stripper:Source
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Originally Posted by WW2
Question: Ok a bit confused here, I just read about the stripper 2 utility, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is for Source, not Half life 1 and mods. We have MM 1.28-p in, is this compatable to use with that and HL1 mods?

Also I am looking to port maps from CS to DoD 1.3, and need to "add" trigger_hurt zones "where ever" I need them, for proper spawn protection, can this be done with this utillity?

I believe they are brush based ents, and so far there is nothing that can "add" brush based ents where you need them, without recompile, unless you use existing trigger multiples in CS maps, and edit them with a BSP editor, but it breaks that brushes function, and its function (play a .wav) will no longer work after changing it to a trigger_hurt.

The regular Stripper does not allow "adding" of extra entities, just editing them I believe.
What I did back in stripper2 days to add spawn protection was to find a model (brush, i.e. "model" "*50")

Here is an example from an old stripper2 file I made...

"origin" "-1104 -2928 48"
"model" "*50"
"damagetype" "131072"
"dmg" "25"
"classname" "trigger_hurt"

I used a program back in pre-source days to find the brush I wanted and the model number it used. I know there is a way in source but I forget how at the moment...

Oh BTW, there is a func_team_wall entity you can use, works in DOD:S not sure about CS:S as I don't have it. It only allows one team though.

Works like this...
"classname" "func_team_wall"
"blockteam" "2"
"origin" "-1059 209 453"
"mins" "-200 -200 -200"
"maxs" "200 200 400"

For CSS might try team 1 or dods it is 2 and 3 so might be that in css if it works.

Anyways you pick a place there you want it then for the mins you specify how far in a direction you want it to go. Same for max...
The mins have to have a - sign in front of the number or the whole thing fails, the max must be positive.

The top image is a view from above, The origin is at the base of the arrow the arrow points the way the the entity is pointing.
The Bottom is from the side to show height, the center is where the two colors meet.

"classname" "func_team_wall"
"blockteam" "2"
"origin" "x y z"
"mins" "-x -y -z"
"maxs" "x y z"

Anyways, now that I have shared a old secret of mine along with a new tip will somebody help me?

I installed Metamod:Source 1.23, Stripper:Source 1.01, and Mani 1.2 beta N Metamod version (DOD:S).

Metamod works, I type meta and it brings up the list of stuff.
Mani Works.
I type, meta list, and stripper is listed as running.

Yet when I put a known stripper config (rats) in my /addons/stripper/maps/ folder for dod_avalanche it doesn't work.

I tried it in both listenserver and dedicated server.
I've also tried disabling mani and just run meta and stripper but meta says stripper is still working.


Last edited by Rommel; 07-25-2006 at 13:52.
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