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Join Date: Dec 2004
Old 12-26-2005 , 15:53  
Reply With Quote #5

Originally Posted by c0ldfyr3
So im guessing your using dlsym for all of the linux functions, and are too lazy to read BAIL's posts on howto accomplish the windows sigs.
I'm using the same code CS:S DM uses for finding functions, but yes I'm using dlsym right now. I don't think Valve left the symbol tables in their binaries for no reason, so I don't think they're going anywhere any time soon. That said, my plan was to use the symbol table on Linux first, and then fallback on signature scanning after the fact. I want to develop a smarter scanning system though, something that won't break as easily across updates.

Its not exactly fair to release a program which is buggy to one OS and not the other, thats why I take my time with releases o.O
It's not buggy under Windows at all, it just doesn't have as many features. I made this plugin out of necessity and as a learning experience, for my own needs. I don't run a Windows server so it wasn't a high priority, and I haven't messed with the headache of finding functions under Windows.

And as for fairness, it isn't my duty to release plugins for everyone, so I'm not sure where you're getting that notion from.

P.S. How do we patch without source ??
When I release the source you can, as I said. I'm in the process of cleaning it up.
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