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Old 10-12-2005 , 11:52  

Originally Posted by showdax
Here's what I would put in your Makefile:

SRCDS = /absolute/path/to/srcds

# ...

	# existing commands
	ln -sf $(SRCDS)/cstrike/bin/
	# your $(MAKE) command
I don't know if that'll make the engine search in the mod dir though, but at least it'll link properly and you won't have undefined symbols.
The binary already linked against the .so previously, so I'm not sure what you're recommending. (I just hadn't again strace'd since I began linking against

Now I'm using a copy rather than a symbolic link, but I'm linking it from the relative cstrike/bin location and this path is being mirrored in ldd as the load path for it when loads into srcds. As a result, it appears to load just fine now. I just need to begin debugging the crashes it causes (for me it dies very early).

Thanks again for your help. I've sent you a PM.
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