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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Sweden
Old 01-21-2005 , 11:37   YACCH: Simple ConCommand hooking...
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Well, as people will need to hook ConCommand (due to autobuy) I thought I would share my version of hooking ConCommand, which make the coding a hook almost the same as a regular ConCommand...

Example to hook 'say'...
extern ICvar *g_pCVar;

PLUGIN_CON_COMMAND_F( say, "Display player message", FCVAR_GAMEDLL )
	... your code ...
	if( ... do not call original function ... )
		return PLUGIN_STOP;

NOTE! If you create multiple hooks they will be called in the order declared. Between different server plugins I don't know as I haven't tested it.
NOTE2! I have only tested this on linux... please let me know if it works on windows...


PS! The name of the class should probably be something else than plugin but that's what I started with...

The header file...
// Purpose: Support command hook, requires g_pCVar to be allocated.
// NOTE! Default ICvar allocation is 'g_pCVar'. 
//       To use a different pointer name define "ENGINEVAR" before
//       including this header file.
#define ENGINECVAR (g_pCVar)

extern ICvar *ENGINECVAR;

#define PLUGIN_CON_COMMAND( name, description ) \
   static PLUGIN_RESULT name(); \
   static PluginConCommand name##_command( #name, name, description ); \
   static PLUGIN_RESULT name()

#define PLUGIN_CON_COMMAND_F( name, description, flags ) \
   static PLUGIN_RESULT name(); \
   static PluginConCommand name##_command( #name, name, description, flags ); \
   static PLUGIN_RESULT name()

// Called when a ConCommand needs to execute 
// (return with PLUGIN_CONTINUE to call original function)
typedef PLUGIN_RESULT (*FnPluginCommandCallback)( void );

// Special ConCommand to hook commands
class PluginConCommand : public ConCommand
friend class ConCommandBaseMgr;
friend class CCvar;

	PluginConCommand( void ) : ConCommand() { Create(); }
	PluginConCommand( char const *pName, FnPluginCommandCallback fnCallback, 
	                  char const *pHelpString = 0, int flags = 0, 
	                  FnCommandCompletionCallback completionFunc = 0 )
	                : ConCommand( pName, NULL, pHelpString, flags, completionFunc )
	                { Create( pName, fnCallback ); }

	// Invoke the original function
	virtual void Dispatch( void )
		if( m_fnPluginCommandCallback && (*m_fnPluginCommandCallback)() != PLUGIN_CONTINUE )
		if ( m_pConCommandOriginal && m_pConCommandOriginal->IsCommand() )


	virtual void Create( const char *pName = NULL, FnPluginCommandCallback fnCallback = NULL )
		m_fnPluginCommandCallback = fnCallback;
		m_pConCommandOriginal     = NULL;

	// Override Init
	virtual void Init( void )
		if( ! m_pConCommandOriginal )
			const char *name = GetName();
			if( name && name[0] )
				// Search the engine command list
				ConCommandBase const *cmd = NULL;
				if( ENGINECVAR )
					cmd = ENGINECVAR->GetCommands();
				for ( ; cmd && stricmp( name, cmd->GetName() ); cmd = cmd->GetNext() )
				if( cmd && cmd != this && cmd->IsCommand() )
					m_pConCommandOriginal = (ConCommand*) cmd;
					Msg( "[%s] Plugin created hook on command \"%s\"\n",
					     VNAME, cmd->GetName() );


	// This will hold the new callback pointer
	FnPluginCommandCallback     m_fnPluginCommandCallback;

	// This will hold a pointer to the original command
	ConCommand                 *m_pConCommandOriginal;
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