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Join Date: Apr 2024
Old 04-01-2024 , 11:01   Trying to pull property m_bGlowEnabled from object
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Hi all,

I am new to scripting and have been having fun making some tfbot enablers for new maps.

I am trying to do pd_suijin, where periodically one set of signs glow, signalling the capture point is open.

I want to pull the property m_bGlowEnabled and return the index if it is true, however when I run this code, the script kind of just dies. I assume it is an error from GetEntProp, though it is annoying that there seems to be no way to safeguard it.

This is the code snippet, after many hours spent trying to debug why it dies. signEnt finds the correct value. targetname is "cap_a_sign1":

stock int FindTheGlow(const char[] targetname)
	int index = -1;
	int signEnt = FindEntityByTargetname(targetname, "prop_dynamic");
	int glowEffect = 0;
	ServerCommand("say Gloweffect %d", glowEffect);
	if(-1 != signEnt)
		glowEffect = GetEntProp(signEnt, Prop_Data, "m_bGlowEnabled");
		index = signEnt;
Any help would be appreciated, as the code dies uncermoniously right after attempting to assign glowEffect.
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