Thread: CS2 Fake Rcon
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Join Date: Oct 2023
Old 10-04-2023 , 20:03   Re: CS2 Fake Rcon
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I am also using dathost and it doesn't seem to be working.

If i type "find rcon" in the console provided on dathost it shows me that i can use the command "fake_rcon_passoword" but when i use it in game or on the dathost console its self nothing happens, trying to get it to change map or say something just doesn't work.

Also if i do "find rcon" on the server its self i get the list of normal rcon commands but non of the fake_rcon commands like i do on the dathost console.

the only thing i can get to be shown from rcon is "[RCon] Usage: rcon <screenshot | console | commandstring>"

I believe i have all the files in the right places and everything written in the correctly and i have spent hours now trying to figure it out and find work arounds but nothing i do or follow seems to help, i think a video tutorial would be super useful to a lot of people here.

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