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Old 04-02-2023 , 22:05   Re: Important question: How can newbies learn SourcePawn?
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I think what the two people above are trying to say is that you will have a much easier time learning other programming languages because they have larger communities with so many examples and extensive documentation. Yes, you can learn SourcePawn first, but you would have to deal with the lack of documentation and resources. Learning similar languages first will make it easier for you to come back to SourcePawn with a better understanding of programming in general.

Personally, SourcePawn was the very first programming language I learned in my entire life and I cannot explain how long it took me to get to where I am now. Once I branched out and took some beginner classes for C++, Java, Python, and SQL, I had a much better understanding of programming. I recommend learning the basics of languages like C, C++, Java, and Python, like someone said above.

In your main post, you mentioned that you don’t learn well through watching long videos and reading long documentation right? Well if you want to learn SP, you’ll have to slowly learn to adapt to both along with learning from other people’s work. You can pause videos so you don’t have to digest so much new information in one sitting, you can also read one paragraph at a time, etc. You just have to ask yourself how much effort are you willing to put into learning SP. It took me years to learn everything I know now, and I won’t lie, it took a lot of patience, trial and error, and lots of criticism from multiple people.
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