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Join Date: Jul 2021
Old 02-28-2023 , 01:59   Re: [A2S]Attacks on my server CS:GO
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Originally Posted by fragnichtnach View Post
That's really helpful! Thank you for sharing!

I've got a few questions:
Why are you using -recent? The size is only 100 and it's linear search. On a real DDoS attack this isn't helpful at all I believe.

Are we able to increase the size of the tables behind hashlimit. It didn't found the way with google.
isn't available in my system.
The -recent module "remembers" this:
-A Filter-DROP -p udp -m udp -m recent--set --name vse -j DROP

So if the "--name vse" matches(this have to be on the top of your iptables):
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp -m recent --dport SERVERPORT --update --seconds 30 --hitcount 5 --name vse --mask --rsource -j DROP

It will drop the connection for 30 seconds over and over so the attack doesnt hit your serverport. But if you're experiencing a real DDoS attack i think it could handle some of it but it depends on PPS. Contact me over Discord: p!mp#8718 then i can try help hardening your iptables even more.
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