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AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Toronto, Canada
Old 12-04-2022 , 20:06   (Old Syntax) RPGMaker2 (RPG Construction Set) v0.0.4 DEV Branch released on Github
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This plugin works with any Source game, but the configs are setup for Left 4 Dead 2.

This is an early dev build, but it's the first stable build with all of the expected features.
There may be bugs, and it would be great if people that test it out report them via the issues section of the Github, so they're all in one place for me to review and sort.
Because of the stage of development, documentation is not complete. If you have contributions to make to it, please let me know.

I do have plans on transitioning this plugin to new syntax, and Silvers has been kind enough to offer to help with it. This will be done before the v1.0 release, pending both of us having the availability.

While I have a lot of refactoring left to do, I've spent the last year actively redesigning/programming a rebuild of several core systems of RPGMaker v1. The Class system is completely-removed and replaced with a very, very open-ended, and possibly of unlimited freedom, Node Map-based system.

Some of the new features include:
Auras - special ammos that are tethered to individual players as opposed to remaining in one static location.
Reactive Talents - Perform a certain action, and if a certain event occurs within a short time-window, certain effects will happen. Think: Parry/Riposte.
Effect over Time Talents - Perform a certain action or be involved in a certain event, and for a period of time a certain effect, such as increased damage, is active.
Multiple-Phase Talents - When one talents buff ends and goes on cooldown, who says that has to be the last of it? Now, nodes can link to other nodes, firing each other off when the previous ends, to create effect cycles, unique to whatever build you come up with.

And so much more...

My first stable build of RPG Maker 2 (RPG Construction Set) is available at

This is the same build and config that is currently running on my dev server @
The build running on our public server listed in our steamgroup is RPGMaker1 @

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