Thread: +/- Command
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Old 10-04-2022 , 00:50   Re: +/- Command
Reply With Quote #4

I don't play Half-Life 1 but I did get a server set up and downloaded the game and I was able to reproduce what you're talking about.

You should be able to add a workaround for this. Since you can never see the "-command" without first seeing the "+command", you can simply check in your "-command" if the "+command" was used just prior to the execution. In other words, you simply prevent multiple executions of the "-command" in a row.

To do this, simply keep track of the state for each player. At the end of your "+command", set it to true. In your "-command", only execute the code if the state is true. Then unconditionally set the state back to false at the end of the "-command".
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