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Old 08-19-2022 , 21:10   Re: [BOSS] Saxton Hale revamp v1.0.5, new moves, no stuns! All new rages and code!
Reply With Quote #155

EDIT: shit. did not see last online 2018. well that sucks lol, here's the og message below if anyone reading knows a solution
EDIT 2: dane told me slam has been broken for years. lol ill just remove him from armstrong then

Sorry for the necro post, but do you still have the files for Saxton? I'm trying to fix JuegosPablo's Senator Armstrong for my server, everything works aside from his Slam ability, which gives him an error model.

		"name"	"saxton_slam"
		"arg1"	"1" // key to use. 0 = reload, 1 = middle mouse, 2 = alt fire (not recommended)
		"arg2"	"15.0" // cooldown between uses
		"arg3"	"30.0" // rage cost
		"arg4"	"" // taunt index which has Saxton's animation for this ability
		"arg5"	"0.1" // initial delay, in which the trickery to execute his taunt will be done. too low and the taunt doesn't execute.
		"arg6"	"models/sarysa/tauntprop.mdl" // path to the physics model, which is part of the trick allowing him to taunt in midair
		"arg7"	"1.1" // time before his gravity skyrockets
		"arg8"	"10.0" // gravity to set, recommend higher than weighdown which is 6.0
		"arg9"	"200.0" // damage at the epicenter
		"arg10"	"1000.0" // radius (damage and knockback)
		"arg11"	"1.3" // damage decay exponent. higher exponent = faster decay over distance. 1.0 is linear decay. 0.0 is no decay. (not recommended)
		"arg12"	"1.5" // building damage factor
		"arg13"	"1000.0" // knockback at the epicenter, decay is linear
		"arg14"	"freak_fortress_2\armstrong\hit4.mp3" // rage sounds to play (up to three, semicolon separated)
		"arg15"	"ambient\atmosphere\terrain_rumble1.wav" // sound to play upon hitting the ground
		// error strings
		"arg16"	"Ability is on cooldown!"
		"arg17"	"Not enough rage! %.0f rage required."
		"arg18"	"Can't use on the ground or in water!" // if hale is not in midair, this error occurs (reason for the midair requirement is it makes no sense in tight tunnels)
		"arg19"	"Can't use during weighdown!" // if hale has weighdown active, this error occurs
		"plugin_name"	"improved_saxton"
Upon inspection, the download for Armstrong doesn't include the .mdl file required, and the taunt index is blank.
To find the taunt index I guess I'll just decompile the model to find what taunt he's supposed to use for his slam, and just find the index for that taunt

Last edited by goldencheeze; 08-19-2022 at 21:33. Reason: Oops, looks like Sarysa's dead.
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