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Old 07-19-2022 , 23:59   Re: [TF2] Quick plugin review before I submit
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Originally Posted by FlaminSarge View Post
This jitter is probably because the server GameTime value gets very high and starts to experience floating point imprecision. This video takes it to an extreme, but it's a similar deal.
I thought that a simple mapchange fixes this, rather than a restart? I didn't think this issue affected EngineTime, either.
A floating point error makes perfect sense.
Of course back in 2017, when I wrote this, I probably didn't even know what a floating point was!

Simply changing the map is probably a better solution, but I figure a restart is going to possibly catch other issues that might also exist on a server. The one downside I can think of for a restart, is that it creates a whole new log file.

Once the basic functionality is public as an actual plugin, I'd be very welcoming if anyone wanted to update it an add the ability to initiate a map change instead. Of course this does open questions about which map and how to decide.

I would assume then that there are no obvious issues. I am inclined to submit this as an actual public-ready plugin then soon.
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