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Join Date: Apr 2022
Old 05-03-2022 , 07:18   Re: Help Error: Expected token: "}", but found "-string-" on line 45
Reply With Quote #3

 #include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN            "ULTIMATE WHO"
#define VERSION            "1.1"
#define AUTHOR            "P.Of.Pw"

#define CharsMax(%1)        sizeof %1 - 1
#define time_shower        1.0

#define GROUPS_NAME        13
#define GROUPS_ACCESS        15

#define motd_msg        "Admin's Online"

new color[][] =
new GroupNames[GROUPS_NAME][] =
    "---=== Detinator ===---",
    "---=== Owner+Vip ===---",
    "---=== Owner ===---",
    "---=== Co-Owner+Vip ===---",
    "---=== Co-Owner ===---",
    "---=== God+Vip ===---",
    "---=== God ===---",
    "---=== Moderator+Vip ===---",
    "---=== Moderator ===---",
    "---=== Helper+Vip ===---",
    "---=== Helper ===---",
    "---=== Slot ===---",
    "---=== Vip ===---"

new GroupFlags[GROUPS_ACCESS][] = 

new GroupFlagsValue[GROUPS_NAME]

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    for(new p_of_pw = 0 ; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
        GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw] = read_flags(GroupFlags[p_of_pw])
    register_clcmd("say", "cmdSay")
    register_clcmd("say_team", "cmdSay")

public cmdSay(id)
    new say[8]
    read_args(say, 7)
    if ((containi(say, "who") != -1 
    || containi(say, "admin") != -1 
    || containi(say, "admins") != -1  
    || contain(say, "/who") != -1 
    || contain(say, "/admin") != -1 
    || contain(say, "/admins") != -1))

    new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer
    new sName[32], sBuffer[1024]
    new iLen
    iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>")
    get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")
    for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)
        iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h5><font color=^"violet^">%s^n</font></h5></center>", GroupNames[p_of_pw])
        for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++)
            iPlayer = sPlayers[a]
            if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])
                get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)
                iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><font color=^"%s^">%s^n</center></font>", color[p_of_pw], sName)
    show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)
First of all you missed "---=== Moderator ===---", <- [,]
Secondly you defined #define GROUPS_NAME 15, but you have only 13 GROUP_NAME.

It compiling without errors now but you must modify GROUPS_ACCESS cuz you define 15 of them but you have only 13 GROUP_NAME.
PawnBegg is offline