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Old 01-11-2022 , 03:01   Re: [Anticheat] Scan clients temp folder?

Originally Posted by Bacardi View Post
When Left 4 Dead games appeared at SteamPipe time, sv_pure hasn't work (maybe since beginning). Also workshop content maybe has give some trouble back then.

What I have tested in other games, sv_pure not check inside VPK files, only loose files and signatured VPK.

Again, on other games, you can restrict with sv_pure 1 & 2 to force clients use only signature VPK files, which server allow.
- Server admin/host can also compile own custom models/files into VPK files using signature/encrypt,
with these specific VPK files player is allowed to use in this (or *these if public key is shared on other servers) server only.
It's like bypass sv_pure check, in that server.
But client need download these files itself, you can't upload from server.
And if we think what bad with this system: Admins are able to cheat in own sv_pure 2 server if they are really

I have also got and tested modified "default CS:S VPK" files, which include transparent walls and bright solid color players, it worked in sv_pure 1 and 2...
- This is not possible unless some one knows CS:S both public_key and private_key to compile signature VPK files.
Or this method has been hacked and some how override to set signature in VPK files.

But back to L4D(2), has this game sv_pure fixed yet ?
Thanks for your feedback. I see sv_pure set in CSGO servers so assume that they are doing what they are supposed to, if the admin has not tinkered around to bypass. I haven't set up L4D2 so cannot comment much on that ; assumed it might be the same since it is also using Source.
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