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Old 11-12-2021 , 11:41   Re: [ANY?/TF2] CBaseNPC - NPC Framework & SDK Tools
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by kadet.89 View Post
To see how it works one can create a monster_generic entity with zombie classic model, the extension is not needed for that, only hummer editor. The prediciton looks wierd, all animations are jumpy and have low framerate, but for slow NPCs like classic zombie it is not a big problem.
That's kind of, off-topic as your message is on about a hl2 entity. Meant for single player game only, it's not necessarily fine tuned for multiplayer game.

Secondly, as said in the first post. This extension implements a custom npc entity (base_npc) which has its animation movements networked every frame or so (this can be fine tuned with a convar). It is unfair and not right to compare it with monster_generic.

Edit: Adding further details on this, monster_generic thinks/animates every 0.1 sec. On TF2 the server runs at 66 frames/second. I.e the npc sends an update to clients every ~7 frames, or about 9 times every second. And while that's good enough for most use case you can still notice lags.
base_npc sends an update every ~4 frames, 16 times per second. If you want to eliminate lags completely, you'd need the entity to think every frames (like players), and that's something you can control with a convar in this ext.

Edit 2:
Originally Posted by kadet.89 View Post
Think I don't like about this extension is a lot of signatures and voffsets are required. Next big update and the gamedata needs to be updated, which is not trivial for games like CS:GO
While that's true for vtable offsets, it's also quite easy to fix them. As for signatures, we only use base functions from the SDK, these are generally unmodified, and you only need to fetch the signature once, signatures only break when valve change the function definition (there are special cases ofc) but in that regard the gamedata would require little maintenance.

Last edited by Benoist3012; 11-12-2021 at 12:15.
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