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Old 09-29-2021 , 17:15   Mapping on Linux
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Not sure if this is the right section (or even forum) for this question, but still it seems to apply best here besides „Off-Topic”.

Like 15 years ago, I was into Half-Life mapping, and now I'm thinking about getting back to it. But in the meantime, my computing environment has changed significantly – in the old days I was on Windows XP, while today I'm 100% on Ubuntu.

The problem is that as far as I know, the official Half-Life level editor, Valve Hammer Editor, is discontinued, so it didn't get ported to Linux along with the GoldSrc engine. Now basically I see two options: run VHE in Wine/Proton (not sure about the user experience of that), or find a VHE alternative that is natively available on Linux.

The only alternative I know about is GtkRadiant – since it's Linux-compatible, it would sound great, but I tried it in the past and remember that my impression was fairly negative. It's not nearly as straightforward and convenient as VHE. If I remember correctly, it doesn't even support FGD game data files, so good luck learning entity names and properties by heart. But I also didn't put in any real effort to learn it, I just checked it out because I heard people using it instead of VHE and it created misunderstandings.

Does anyone have any experience in Half-Life mapping on Linux? Do you use VHE with Wine, should I give GtkRadiant another chance, or do you know any better alternative?
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