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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: This Realm of Existence
Old 03-05-2021 , 16:44   Re: Spookmaster's (AKA Lord Homicide's) New Freaks + Abilities
Reply With Quote #4

Bumped: various bug fixes. The major changes include:

The Gambler: Fixed a bizarre crash related to Calling Cards.

SUPREME SPOOKMASTER BONES: Added a bunch of missing content, mostly pertaining to his minions, that I had originally forgotten to upload.

The download links in the original post have been updated to account for these changes.
Professional retard. I might borrow some code, but I always try to give credit when I do! If you've noticed I've borrowed some of your code, and you have a problem with that, please add me on Steam and let me know so I can correct the problem as soon as possible!
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