Thread: Master Chief
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SuperHero Moderator
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: L.A. County, CA
Old 12-21-2004 , 09:36  
Reply With Quote #23

Originally Posted by mooks
Haven't tried the hero out yet, but are all the Master Cheif's the same color? Perhaps red for T and blue for CT?
Master Chief is green only, but there are red and blue models out there. However, I included a cvar you can set to make a person team glow.
I did not use the 2 colored models for 2 reasons:
a) Master Chief has a green armor suit in the game Halo.
b) 2nd model means another model to precachce, and that wouldn't probably be a great idea.

But I tell you want if anyone wants a version where Master Chief Ts are red an CTs blue, I'll make one up and post it here, with models and all...


Now on to the matter at hand, I updated the code should work better now for player model problem. However, before I update it here I want people opinions who know the game Halo, on which gun / gun model they want, since I found a model for a Famas... The p90 looks great for first person view, but the famas one looks like crap. And the famas looks better in 3rd person view but its a bit big.. Also the famas one is a larger file size so adds to your precache, which is why I probably wouldnt choose it... Anyway here are images of the 2.

Edit: Images Removed
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