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Join Date: Nov 2004
Old 11-14-2004 , 23:37  

I try editing it and then type rcon restart and it still doesn't load im a lvl 3 and can still get superman that is supposed to be at lvl 4.
This is what my shconfig looks like

echo "[SH] Successfully Loaded Superhero Config File"

//********************** GENERAL MOD CVARS **********************
//enables/disables the mod 0=disable, 1=enable
sv_superheros 1

//flag to determine who can access the important server commands
sh_adminaccess m

//if optional C/D is on a server - don't let people without C/D have
sh_cdrequired 0

//Debug Message Level
//ONLY enable this if you are trying to fix something, it prints A LOT of messages
// 0 = Disabled, 1 = Server Print, 2 = Server Log, 3+ = More Messages, Server Log
sh_debug_messages 0

//# of heros allowed with bind characters - after that you must pick non-bind heros only
sh_maxbinds 3

//Max number of powers players can pick from, this is also limited by the number of levels you have.
sh_maxpowers 20

//What level to start newcomers at.
sh_minlevel 0

//Save XP or restart from 0 each map
sh_savexp 1

//How many days to save xp for?
sh_xpsavedays 14

//Save XP at end of every round
//Very Useful for servers that crash a lot
sh_endroundsave 1

//Give XP for Hostage/Bomb Events
//This cvar sets the level of XP given/taken from players for these events.
//Hostage rescues only get 1/4th the XP because there is usually 4 of them.
//Set to -1 to disable this feature.
sh_bombhostxp 0

//1 = on | 0 = off - Give people entering late an average level of players already playing
sh_autobalance 0

//Load XP right when a player joins (may cause lag with large user database)
sh_loadimmediate 0

// MercyXP gives players XP if they did not gain any during a round
// 0 = MercyXP system Disabled
// 1 = Give any player a set amount of XP which is set with sh_mercyxp
// 2 = Give only players up to a certian level MercyXP, max level is set with sh_mercyxp
// XP given will be the inverse of the amount they would get for killing
// someone at thier level, then this is diveded by 2 to keep it low.
// So as a players level increases they will get less MercyXP with mode 2
sh_mercyxpmode 0

//Mode 1: How much Mercy XP to give players
//Mode 2: Max level to give MercyXP to players
sh_mercyxp 0

//1 = on | 0 = off - Command Projector, displays help info to players in a HUD messages non-stop
sh_cmdprojector 1

//1 = on | 0 = off - Should alive players also see the Command Projector?
sh_cpalive 0

//How many highest level heros can a person pick
//If this is set to 2 and a client is at level 9, they can only pick 2 level 9 heroes.
//There is a bunch of complicated math that goes into this system and it limits more than
//just the highest level avliable to that person, try it and see what I mean.
//Set to 0 to disable this limiting of choices
sh_lvllimit 1

// 1 = New style menu, shows disabled heros grayed out
// 0 = Old style menu, hides disabled heros from showing on the menu
sh_menumode 1

//Headshot Multiplyer - if you kill someone with a headshot the XP given
//will be multiplied by the value. Setting this to "1.0" will effectivly
//disable it because x * 1 = x. If you set it to "0" then players would
//get NO XP for headshot kills.
sh_hsmult 1.0

//Can clients drop heroes while alive?
//This is OFF by default because many people expliot the server by picking a hero
//like batman, get the weapons, then drop him. This will prevent that kind of activity
sh_alivedrop 0

// *** MySQL Settings, Only Needed if using the mysql saving method ***
// Uncomment the cvar lines to enable these settings

//sh_mysql_host "localhost"
//sh_mysql_user "SuperHeroModUser"
//sh_mysql_pass ""
//sh_mysql_db "sherodb"

// *************** END STANDARD SUPERHERO CVARS ***************

// ***************** START HERO SPECIFIC CVARS ****************

anubis_level 0
anibus_showdamage 1 //(0|1) - hide|show bullet damage..
anibus_showchat 1 //(0|1) - hide|show ghostchat messages..

aquaman_level 0
aquaman_armorcost 0 //How much armor each bubble thrower blast uses
aquaman_numbubbles 7 //How many giant killer bubbles
aquaman_bubbledamage 10 //How much damage each bubble does

batman_level 0
batman_health 125 //Starting Health
batman_armor 125 //Starting Armor

bomberman_level 0
bomberman_xpbased 0 //Does he get more bombs each level (def=0)
bomberman_bombs 1 //How Many Bombs does he start with (def=1)
bomberman_bpl 1 //How Many More Bombs Does he get each level (def=1)
bomberman_radius 400 //Radius of damage (def=400)
bomberman_maxdamage 100 //Maximum Damage to deal (def=100)

//Captain America
captaina_level 0
captaina_pctperlev 0.02 //Percentage that factors into godmode randomness
captaina_godsecs 1 //# of seconds of god mode

cyclops_level 5
cyclops_laser_ammo 20 //total # of shots given each round
cyclops_laser_burndecals 1 //Show the burn decals on the walls
cyclops_cooldown 0.20 //Cooldown timer between shots
cyclops_mulishot 0.20 //Delay for multishots on holding key down

daredevil_level 0
daredevil_radius 600 //Radius of the rings
daredevil_bright 192 //How bright to make the rings

dazzler_level 0
dazzler_radius 3000 //radius of people affected
dazzler_cooldown 15 //# of seconds before Dazzler can flash

dracula_level 0
dracula_pctperlev 0.03 //What percent of damage to give back per level of player

flash_level 0
flash_speed 450 //the speed flash can run

//Hob Goblin
goblin_level 0
goblin_grenademult 1.5 //Damage multiplyer from orginal damage amount
goblin_grenadetimer 10 //How many second delay for new grenade

hulk_level 0
hulk_radius 1800 //Radius of people affected
hulk_cooldown 7 //# of seconds before Hulk can ReStun
hulk_stuntime 3 //# of seconds Hulk Stuns Everybody
hulk_stunspeed 70 //Speed of stunned players

//Human Torch
htorch_level 0
htorch_armorcost 15 //How much amour each flame uses
htorch_numburns 5 //How many time to burn the victim
htorch_burndamage 10 //How much damage each burn does

//Iron Man
ironman_level 0
ironman_timer 0.1 //How often (seconds) to run the loop
ironman_thrust 125 //The upward boost every loop
ironman_maxspeed 400 //Max x and y speeds (while in air)
ironman_xymult 1.05 //Multiplies the current x,y vector when moving
ironman_armorfuel 1 //Uses armor as fuel
ironman_fuelcost 1 //How much armor does it cost per firing
ironman_armor 100 //How much armor does ironman start with?

kamikaze_level 0
kamikaze_radius 300 //Radius of people affected by blast
kamikaze_fuse 15 //# of seconds before kamikaze blows Up
kamikaze_maxdamage 125 //Maximum damage to deal to a player

magneto_level 10
magneto_cooldown 45 //Time delay bewtween automatic uses
magneto_boost 125 //How much of an upward throw to give weapons
magneto_giveglock 1 //Give the poor victim a glock?

mystique_level 0
mystique_cooldown 0 //Cooldown time between morphs
mystique_maxtime 0 //Max time you can be morphed
mystique_toggle 1 //Should the key be a toggle or do they need to hold it down

//Night Crawler
nightc_level 0
nightc_cooldown 30 //# of seconds before NightCrawler can NoClip Again
nightc_cliptime 6 //# of seconds NightCrawler has in noclip mode.

punisher_level 0
punisher_dropwpn 0 //Should clinet be forced to drop thier weapon?

skeletor_level 0
skeletor_cooldown 20 // # of seconds for skeletor cooldown
skeletor_camptime 10 // # of seconds player considered camping w/o x/y movement
skeletor_movedist 10 // minimum amount of dist player has to move b4 considered not camping

spiderman_level 0
spiderman_moveacc 140 //How quickly he can move while on the hook
spiderman_reelspeed 400 //How fast hook line reels in
spiderman_hookstyle 2 //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)
spiderman_teamcolored 1 //1=teamcolored web lines 0=white web lines
spiderman_maxhooks 60 //Max ammout of hooks allowed (-1 is an unlimited ammount)

superman_level 4
superman_gravity 0.35 //Gravity
superman_health 150 //Starting health
superman_armor 150 //STarting armor

vash_level 7
vash_gravity //Gravity

windwalker_level 2

wolv_level 0
wolv_healpoints 3 //The # of HP healed per second
wolv_knifespeed 290 //Speed of wolveine in knife mode
wolv_knifemult 1.35 //Multiplier for knife damage

xavier_level 7
xavier_traillength 25 //Length of trail behind players
xavier_showteam 0 //Show trails on your team
xavier_showenemy 1 //Show trails on enemies
xavier_refreshtimer 5.0 //How often do the trails refresh

zeus_level 9
zeus_cooldown 600 // # of seconds for zeus cooldown

is there anything wrong with it?
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