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SourceMod Plugin Approver
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Old 03-23-2020 , 10:20   [L4D & L4D2] Target Override (2.29) [25-Mar-2024]
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  • This overrides the ChooseVictim function for each Special Infected according to your preferences.
  • Prioritize who to attack first, vomited survivors, vomited specials, incapped, pinned etc.
  • Can prevent specific Special Infected from targeting incapacitated survivors.
  • Can restore L4D1 game behaviour in L4D2 so the Hunter and Tank can attack incapacitated and vomited players.
  • Forward and natives provided to extend the plugins functionality to 3rd party plugins (version 2.21 and newer).
  • Benchmarking shows the function/plugin is highly optimized and extremely quick (0.058 ms think time).

  • Sev - For the idea and request.
  • BlackSabbarh - Also for the request.
  • Lux - For fixing God Frames detour which is similar to this, and would not be possible without.
  • hoanganh81097 - For testing version 2.0.
  • morzlee - Lots of help testing version 2.21.

Example Data Config:

Saved to l4d_target_override.cfg in your servers \addons\sourcemod\data\ folder.

PHP Code:
// Rearrange order to your preference for each Special Infected class.
// You can set any number of "order" values, all are not required to be entered.
// When no order value is matched, the Special Infected will default to using the games internal targeting logic.
// Order:     Prioritize who to attack first:
//            1    = Normal Survivor.
//            2    = Vomited Survivor.
//            3    = Incapacitated Survivor.
//            4    = Survivor Pinned (by Smoker, Hunter, Charger, Jockey).
//            5    = Ledge hanging Survivor.
//            6    = Vomited Special Infected (Tanks will not attack other Special Infected).
//            7    = Last Attacker. Set after most/all other order priorities since there will always be a last attacker.
//            8    = Lowest Health Survivor.
//            9    = Highest Health Survivor.
//            10   = Survivor being Pummelled by Charger.
//            11   = Survivor mounted on a Mini Gun.
//            12   = Survivor reviving someone.
//            13   = Survivor furthest ahead (requires Left4DHooks plugin).
//            14   = Survivor self healing when health is below the "survivor_limp_health" cvar value.
//            15   = Survivor furthest behind in flow distance (requires Left4DHooks plugin).
//            16   = Survivor with their Flashlight on.
//            17   = Survivor running (not crouched or walking).
//            18   = Survivor who dealt the highest damage.
//            19   = Survivor inside the saferom (requires Left4DHooks plugin).
//            20   = Survivor being attacked by a Witch (requires Actions extension:
//            21   = Survivor whose health is below the "survivor_limp_health" cvar value.
// pinned:    Ignore attacking target when they're pinned by: 1=Smoker. 2=Hunter. 4=Jockey. 8=Charger. 15=All. Add numbers together.
// incap:     0=Ignore incapacitated players. 1=Allow attacking incapacitated players. 2=Only attack incapacitated players when they are vomited. 3=Only attack incapacitated when everyone is incapacitated.
// minigun:   0=Ignore Survivors on a minigun unless using order "11" to target them. 1=Survivors on a minigun can be targeted if they match the selected order priority.
// voms:      0=Off. 1=Allow attacking vomited Special Infected (order number 6).
// voms2:     0=Ignore attacking if target is currently covered in bile. 1=Allow attacking vomited incapacitated Survivors.
// range:     0.0=No limit. The maximum range to target someone, otherwise the plugin defaults to the games internal mechanics for targeting someone.
// dist:      How close the Special Infected must be to a target to prevent changing target.
// wait:      How many seconds to target someone before being allowed to switch to another target. They will switch before if the player is no longer valid or allowed to be targeted.
// last:      0=Off. 1=Allow targeting the last attacker using order value 7.
// time:      When using the "last" order "7", how many seconds since the last attacker hurt the Special Infected before being able to change target.
// safe:      0=Allow attacking players in the saferoom. 1=Don't attack players in the saferoom.
// targeted:  0=Ignored. Total number of Special Infected allowed to attack someone at the same time.

"order"      "2,3,18" // Preference: Vomited Survivors, then Incapped, then Survivor who dealt the highest damage.
"pinned"     "15"
        "incap"      "1"
        "minigun"    "1"
        "voms"       "1"
        "voms2"      "1"
        "range"      "0.0"
        "dist"       "250.0"
        "wait"       "2.0"
        "last"       "1"
        "time"       "2.0"
        "safe"       "1"
        "targeted"   "0"

Forward and Natives:
See the include/ include file for details.


Admin Commands: (requires "z" flag)

PHP Code:
sm_to_reload   // Reloads the data config
sm_to_stats    // Displays benchmarking stats (min/avg/max). (Requires plugin recompile with DEBUG_BENCHMARK set to 1 or 2). 


Saved to l4d_target_override.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder.

PHP Code:
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_target_override_allow "1"

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d_target_override_modes ""

// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
l4d_target_override_modes_off ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_modes_tog "0"

// 0=Off. 1=On. Forward used for 3rd party plugins when someone is being targeted, triggers every frame or so.
l4d_target_override_forward "0"

// L4D1: Override these Specials target function: 1=Smoker, 2=Boomer, 4=Hunter, 8=Tank. 15=All. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_specials "15"

// L4D2: Override these Specials target function: 1=Smoker, 2=Boomer, 4=Hunter, 8=Spitter, 16=Jockey, 32=Charger, 64=Tank. 127=All. Add numbers together.
l4d_target_override_specials "127"

// Which Survivor teams should be targeted. 2=Default Survivors. 4=Holding and Passing bots. 6=Both.
l4d_target_override_team "2"

// How should the plugin search through Survivors. 1=Nearest visible (defaults to games method on fail). 2=All Survivors from the nearest. 3=Nearest by flow distance (requires Left4DHooks plugin, defaults to type 2).
l4d_target_override_type "1"

// Target Override plugin version.

2.29 (25-Mar-2024)
    - Plugin now follows the "nb_blind" cvar and prevents attacking if set to "1".
    - Added option "21" to target a Survivor whose health is below "survivor_limp_health" cvar value. Requested by "jimmycm123".

2.28 (20-Jan-2024)
    - Added option "minigun" to the data config to choose whether to ignore players on a minigun or treat them as normal players. Requested by "Morning".

2.27 (05-Sep-2023)
    - Added option "20" to target a Survivor who is being chased by a Witch. Requested by "Xenorvya".
    - This requires the Actions extension. Thanks to "ForgeTest" for providing the method and code.

2.26 (27-Jul-2023)
    - Added option "19" to target a Survivor who is inside the saferoom. Requested by "SpannerV2".

2.25 (19-Jun-2023)
    - Added option "18" to target the Survivor who caused the highest damage.
    - Fixed issues with the "time" option and resetting the last attacker.
    - Thanks to "Kanashimi" and "kooper990" for helping test.

2.24 (24-Nov-2022)
    - Fixed plugin not accounting for idle or disconnected players being replaced by bots. Thanks to "HarryPotter" for help.

2.23 (28-Oct-2022)
    - Fixed Special Infected not being able to target other SI. Tank vs SI is still not capable. Thanks to "Tonblader" for reporting.
    - Fixed the "voms" and "voms2" options not working correctly.
    - Plugin now prevents the Tank attempting to attack vomited Special Infected, since the Tank will just stand there.

2.22 (20-Oct-2022)
    - Fixed various issues with the "pinned" option breaking targeting. Thanks to "morzlee" for reporting and lots of help testing.

2.21 (08-Oct-2022)
    - Added option "15" to target the Survivor furthest behind in flow distance. Requested by "gabuch2"
    - Added option "16" to target a Survivor with their flashlight on. Requested by "gabuch2"
    - Added option "17" to target a Survivor who is running (not crouched or walking). Requested by "gabuch2"

    - Added new include file for 3rd party plugins to use the forward and natives.
    - Added natives "L4D_TargetOverride_GetOption" and "L4D_TargetOverride_SetOption" for 3rd party plugins to get or set some option values. Requested by "morzlee".
    - Added native "L4D_TargetOverride_GetValue" for 3rd party plugins to get or set client values. Requested by "morzlee".
    - Added forward "L4D_OnTargetOverride" for 3rd party plugins to trigger every frame or whenever someone is being targeted. Requested by "morzlee".
    - Added cvar "l4d_target_override_forward" to enable or disabled the forward. Disabled by default to save CPU cycles.

    - Changed "targeted" option to use the set value as a maximum number of Special Infected allowed to target someone. Requested by "morzlee".
    - Fixed option "14" not working in L4D1. Thanks to "axelnieves2012" for fixing.
    - Increased string buffer and maximum orders in case all options are used in a single "order" data key value string.

2.20 (03-Oct-2022)
    - Added option "14" to target someone healing whose health is below "survivor_limp_health" cvar value. Added by "axelnieves2012".
    - Fixed order "12" and "13" being switched. Thanks to "axelnieves2012" for reporting.

2.19 (22-Sep-2022)
    - Added option "13" to "order" to target the Survivor furthest ahead in flow distance. Requested by "axelnieves2012".
    - Added option "targeted" to the data config to prevent targeting someone that's already targeted by another Special Infected. Requested by "axelnieves2012".

2.18 (10-Aug-2022)
    - Added cvar "l4d_target_override_team" to specify which Survivor teams can be targeted.
    - Added option "dist" to the data config to set how close the Special Infected must be to a target to prevent changing target.
    - Added option "time" to the data config to set the duration of targeting the last attacker before being allowed to change target.
    - Fixed the wait time and last attacker interfering with selecting a new target. Thanks to "moschinovac" for reporting.

2.17 (30-Jul-2022)
    - Added option "12" to "order" to target the Survivor furthest ahead in flow distance. Requested by "yzybb".

2.16 (09-Sep-2021)
    - Fixed not reading the entire data configs "order" value when the string was longer than 15 characters.

2.15a (09-Jul-2021)
    - L4D2: Fixed GameData file from the "" game update.

2.15 (06-Jul-2021)
    - Limited the patch from last update to L4D2 only.

2.14 (03-Jul-2021)
    - L4D2: Fixed plugin not ignoring players using a minigun. Thanks to "ProjectSky" for reporting.
    - L4D2: GameData .txt file updated.

2.13 (04-Jun-2021)
    - Fixed the plugin not working without the optional "Left 4 DHooks Direct" plugin being installed. Thanks to "spaghettipastaman" for reporting.

2.12 (20-Apr-2021)
    - Changed cvar "l4d_target_override_type" adding type "3" to order range by nav flow distance.
    - This requires the "Left4DHooks" plugin and used only when the plugin is detected. Maybe unreliable due to unreachable flow areas.

    - Fixed "Highest Health" and "Highest Health" orders not validating the clients correctly, Thanks to "larrybrains" for reporting.
    - Fixed "Highest Health" and "Highest Health" config orders description being flipped.

2.11 (12-Apr-2021)
    - Added priority order option "11" to target players using a Mini Gun.

2.10 (15-Feb-2021)
    - Added option "safe" to control if Survivors can be attacked when in a saferoom. Requested by "axelnieves2012".

2.9 (18-Sep-2020)
    - Added option "range" to set how near a Survivor must be to target. Defaults to 0.0 for no range check.
    - Added option "voms2" to control if Survivors can be attacked when incapacitated and vomited.
    - Data config "data/l4d_target_override.cfg" updated to reflect changes.
    - Thanks to "XDglory" for requesting and testing.

2.8 (17-May-2020)
    - Fixed "normal" order test affecting ledge hanging players. Thanks to "tRololo312312" for reporting.
    - Optimized the order test loop by exiting when order is 0, unavailable.

2.7 (15-May-2020)
    - Fixed not resetting variables on clients spawning causing issues e.g. thinking someone's ledge hanging.
    - Thanks to "tRololo312312" for reporting.

2.6 (10-May-2020)
    - Added option "8" to "order" to choose targeting the survivor with highest health.
    - Added option "9" to "order" to choose targeting the survivor with lowest health.
    - Added option "10" to "order" to choose targeting a survivor being pummelled by the Charger (L4D2 only).
    - Extra checks to prevent "IsAllowedGameMode" throwing errors.
    - Fixed "incap" option not working correctly. Thanks to "login101" for reporting.
    - Fixed not resetting the last attacker on special infected spawning.
    - Gamedata changed to wildcard first few bytes due to Left4DHooks using as a detour.

2.5 (07-Apr-2020)
    - Added cvar "l4d_target_override_type" to select which method to search for survivors.
    - Fixed "Invalid index 0" when no valid targets are available. Thanks to "tRololo312312".

2.4 (01-Apr-2020)
    - Fixed "IsAllowedGameMode" from throwing errors when the "_tog" cvar was changed before MapStart.

2.3 (26-Mar-2020)
    - Added option "last" to the config to enable targeting the last attacker using order value 7.
    - Added option "7" to "order" to choose targeting the last attacker.
    - This option won't change target if one is already very close (250 units).
    - Thanks to "xZk" for requesting.

2.2 (24-Mar-2020)
    - Fixed memory leak. Thanks to "sorallll" for reporting. Thanks to "Lux" for adding the fix.

2.1 (23-Mar-2020)
    - Fixed only using the first 5 priority order values and never checking the 6th when the first 5 fail.

2.0 (23-Mar-2020)
    - Initial Release.

    - Combined L4D1 and L4D2 versions into 1 plugin.
    - Major changes to how the plugin works. 
    - Now has a data config to choose preferences for each Special Infected.

    - Renamed plugin (delete the old .smx - added check to prevent duplicate plugins).
    - Removed cvar "l4d2_target_patch_special", now part part of data config settings.
    - Removed cvar "l4d2_target_patch_targets", now part part of data config settings.
    - Removed cvar "l4d2_target_patch_wait", now part part of data config settings.
    - Removed cvar "l4d2_target_patch_incap", now part part of data config settings.
    - Removed cvar "l4d_target_patch_incap", now part part of data config settings.


Updating from 2.20 or older:
  • New cvars have been added: use the Cvar Configs Updater, or delete the old cvars config or manually add them.

  • Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder.
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Last edited by Silvers; 03-25-2024 at 18:48.
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