Thread: Spawn Effect
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Join Date: Feb 2017
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Old 11-22-2019 , 18:40   Re: Spawn Effect
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/********************************************* ******************************\
* || [ZP] Sprites On HUD v1.1 || *
*by @bdul!*


This plugins allows you to display a sprite on a user's HUD display
It also features an easy-to-use API natives include file
Animated sprites are also supported


- MeRcyLeZZ -----------> For his awesome Zombie Plague Mod
- Quim' / Conner ------> For helping me in vector calculations and
helping me with FM_AddToFullPack forward
- Arkshine ------------> For helping me with animating sprites


v1.0 ====> Initial Release
v1.1 ====> Added support for animated sprites

\******************************************** *******************************/

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <xs>

// Distance at which the sprite is placed from the users screen
#define DISTANCE 12

new g_player_ent[33], g_bit_connected_user, g_stop_frame[33]

// Connected players macros
#define player_is_connected(%1) (g_bit_connected_user |= (1 << (%1 & 31)))
#define player_disconnected(%1) (g_bit_connected_user &= ~(1 << (%1 & 31)))
#define is_player_connected(%1) ((1 <= %1 <= 32) && (g_bit_connected_user & (1 << (%1 & 31))))

public plugin_init()
// Register the plugin and the main forward
register_plugin("[ZP] Addon: Sprites On HUD", "1.0", "@bdul!");
register_forward(FM_AddToFullPack, "fm_add_to_fullpack", 1)

public plugin_natives()
// Lets register some natives
register_native("zp_display_hud_sprite", "native_display_hud_sprite", 1)
register_native("zp_remove_hud_sprite", "native_remove_hud_sprite", 1)

public fm_add_to_fullpack(es, e, ent, host, host_flags, player, p_set)
// Valid player ?
if (!is_player_connected(host))

// Player haves a valid sprite entity
if (ent == g_player_ent[host])
static Floatrigin[3], Float:forvec[3], Float:voffsets[3]

// Retrieve player's origin
pev(host, pev_origin, origin)
pev(host, pev_view_ofs, voffsets)
xs_vec_add(origin, voffsets, origin)

// Get a forward vector in the direction of player's aim
velocity_by_aim(host, DISTANCE, forvec)

// Set the sprite on the new origin
xs_vec_add(origin, forvec, origin)
engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, ent, origin)
set_es(es, ES_Origin, origin)

// Make the sprite visible
set_es(es, ES_RenderMode, kRenderNormal)
set_es(es, ES_RenderAmt, 200)

// Sprite animation already stopped ?
if (!g_stop_frame[host])

// Stop the animation at the desired frame
if (pev(ent, pev_frame) == g_stop_frame[host])
set_pev(ent, pev_framerate, 0.0)
g_stop_frame[host] = 0

// Stupid compiler !!

public client_putinserver(id)
// Player connected

// Marks bots as disconnected players (so sprites are'nt displayed to them)
if (is_user_bot(id)) player_disconnected(id)

// Remove sprite entity if present
if (pev_valid(g_player_ent[id]))

public client_disconnect(id)
// Player disconnected

// Remove sprite entity if present
if (pev_valid(g_player_ent[id]))

public native_display_hud_sprite(id, const sprite_name[], Float:sprite_size, sprite_stopframe, Float:sprite_framerate)
// Invalid player ?
if (!is_player_connected(id))
return -1;

// Already haves a sprite on his hud
if (g_player_ent[id])
return -1;

// Strings passed byref

// Invalid sprite ?
if (!sprite_name[0])
return -1;

// Create an entity for the player
g_player_ent[id] = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "env_sprite"))

// Invalid entity ?
if (!pev_valid(g_player_ent[id]))
return -1;

// Set some basic properties
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_takedamage, 0.0)
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_solid, SOLID_NOT)
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE)

// Set the sprite model
engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, g_player_ent[id], sprite_name)

// Set the rendering on the entity
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_rendermode, kRenderTransAlpha)
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_renderamt, 0.0)

// Set the sprite size
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_scale, sprite_size)

// Update sprite's stopping frame
g_stop_frame[id] = sprite_stopframe

// Allow animation of sprite ?
if (g_stop_frame[id] && sprite_framerate > 0.0)
// Set the sprites animation time, framerate and stop frame
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_animtime, get_gametime())
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_framerate, sprite_framerate)

// Spawn the sprite entity (necessary to play the sprite animations)
set_pev(g_player_ent[id], pev_spawnflags, SF_SPRITE_STARTON)
dllfunc(DLLFunc_Spawn, g_player_ent[id])

return g_player_ent[id];

public native_remove_hud_sprite(id)
// Invalid player ?
if (!is_player_connected(id))
return -1;

// Doesnt haves any sprite on his screen ?
if (!pev_valid(g_player_ent[id]))
return -1;

// Remove sprite entity

return 1;

// Removes a sprite entity from world
engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, g_player_ent[id])

g_player_ent[id] = 0
g_stop_frame[id] = 0
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