Thread: [Subplugin Submission] [ZP] Addon: Lasermine Perfect 4.3 (29/7/2019)
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Old 06-27-2019 , 23:47   Re: [ZP] Addon: Lasermine Perfect
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Originally Posted by Perfect Scrash View Post




// Original Lasermine Cvars
zp_ltm "1"			; Lasermine ON/OFF (1 / 0)
zp_ltm_admin_only "0"		; Lasermine access level (0 is all, 1 is admin only)
zp_ltm_max_deploy "1" 		; Max have ammo and max deploy count.
zp_ltm_dmg "200"		; Laser hit damage.
zp_ltm_health "250" 		; Lasermines health. over 1000 is very hard mine :)
zp_ltm_radius "0.0"		; Lasermine explode radius. ( it's float value)
zp_ltm_rdmg "500"		; Lasermine explode damage. ( on center )
zp_ltm_line "1"			; Lasermine visible mode of laserline (0 is invisible, 1 is visible)
zp_ltm_glow "1"			; Glowing lasermine. (color is laser line color 0 is off, 1 is on )
zp_ltm_bright "255"		; Laser line brightness.
zp_ltm_ldmgmode "2"		; Laser hit damage mode. (0 is frame dmg, 1 is once dmg, 2 is seconds dmg)
zp_ltm_ldmgseconds "1"		; Seconds dmg. (dmg mode 2 only, damage / seconds default 1 sec)

// Edited Version Cvars
zp_ltm_glow_color_aleatory "1"	; Random Glow Color (0: Disable | 1: Enable)
zp_ltm_line_color_aleatory "1"	; Random Line Color (0: Disable | 1: Enable)
zp_ltm_glow_color "0 255 0" 	; Glow RGB color (If when (zp_ltm_glow_color_aleatory) stay off)
zp_ltm_line_color "255 0 0" 	; Line RGB color (If when (zp_ltm_line_color_aleatory) stay off)
zp_ltm_show_status "1"		; Show Lasermine HUD
zp_ltm_ap_for_kill_allow "1"	; Allow ap reward (0: Disable | 1: Enable)
zp_ltm_ap_for_kill_quantity "2"	; Ammo packs reward quantity
zp_ltm_autobind_enable "1"	; Auto Bind? (0: Disable | 1: Enable)
zp_ltm_ignore_frags "1"		; Ignore Frags? (0: Disable | 1: Enable)
zp_ltm_flag_acess "b"		; Lasermine Flag Access (If "zp_ltm_admin_only" is enable)
zp_ltm_menu_enable "1"		; Enable lasermine main menu (0: Disable | 1: Enable)
zp_ltm_default_model "1"	; Default model (0: Classic | 1: Normal | 2: Gauss | 3: Red Eye | 4: Alien 1 | 5: Alien 2 | 6: Perfect | 7: End of Day | 8: Kraken's Eye)
zp_ltm_default_sprite "0"	; Default sprite (0: Normal | 1: Shock | 2: Neon | 3: Dotted | 4: 4i20 | 5: Triangle | 6: Double Line | 7: Spiral)
zp_ltm_solid "0"		; Lasermine solid? (0: Disable | 1: Enable)	
zp_ltm_breakable_block "1"	; Only Owner/Zombies Can Destroy Lasermine? (0: Disable | 1: Zombies/Owner Only Can Destroy | 2: Owner Only Can Destroy)
zp_ltm_remove_distance "200.0"	; Lasermine Max Distance for remove
zp_ltm_realistic_detail "1"	; Realistic Detail (0: Disable | 1: Enable)

Change Logs:
* 1.0:
	- First Version.
* 1.1:
	- Fixed bug that Lasermine Dont Works.
	- Show Lasermine Owner Name.
	- Make Random Color Of Glow/Line in raibom style (When Enable).
* 1.2:
	- Fixed Bug: When Player Die and Lasermine dont removed
	- Fixed Bug: Cant Plant If your Lasermine destroyed one time
* 1.3:
	- Added: Solid Mode
* 1.4:
	- Fixed Some Bugs
	- Added Natives and Forwards
* 2.0:
	- Fixed Some Error Logs.
* 2.1:
	- Fixed Some Bugs.
	- Added More Cvars for Easily Config.
* 2.2:
	- Fixed More Error Logs
	- Added Lasermine Main Menu for Personal Configuration
* 2.3:
	- Fixed bug when R,G,B are equal to 0 for make line invisible
	- Fixed bug when some time radius crashes the server
	- New Main Menu Options (Choose Sprites/Models)
* 3.0:
	- Added More Models
	- Added Lang Support
* 3.1:
	- Added More Sprites
* 3.2/3.3:
	- Fixed More Error Logs
	- Added More Cvars for Easily Config.
* 3.4:
	- Fixed More Error Logs
	- Added Model "Perfect Lasermine"
* 4.0:
	- Fixed Some error logs
	- Fixed Small bug when plant lasermine and lasermine does not stay in the wall
	- Added one Cvar for define the max distance for remove the Lasermine
	- Adicionado um esquema para matar o Boss Na Lasermine
	- Added mode for lasermine can kill entities (Like Oberon Boss and Others)
* 4.1:
	- Improved Code
	- Fixed Lang
* 4.2:
	- Added more Models/Sprites for Lasermine
	- Added Realistic Detail of Lasermine (Cut the laser when it passes over)
	- End of Style "Rainbow" for Reduce Lag
	- Fixed Native/Cvar Error Logs
	- Improved Code
	- Fixed Forward "zp_fw_lm_planted_pre"
	- Removed Native "zp_get_lasermine_id"
	- Removed CZ Tutor Print (Because some steam players have bug when show tutor in screen)



If you want to donate for my works to encourage me to continue with the work feel free to donate
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When there is an object in front of the laser mine, the laser is blocked. It also happens when a human-class player is in front of the laser.

Can it make it go across the objects and the human-class player?
Also, if there is a zombie behind the other, it damage the two and not only the one that is ahead.

Can you also add it so that the menu of purchase of extra items comes out?

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