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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: This Realm of Existence
Old 01-01-2019 , 14:26   Homicide's Basic Boss Creation Tutorial
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A while back, I had a brief Steam guide on boss creation. It was nothing perfect, and it slowly began to degrade over time, and after a couple of years, I decided to make a new tutorial, this time in video form. It doesn't contain anything too complex, such as rigging or programming custom abilities, but it contains the basics, which is just enough to get newcomers started. I wasn't originally planning on posting the video here, seeing as most of the people who use these forums already seem to have a pretty good grasp on the basics, but after being told to by a friend, I figured "why not?"

The video can be found here.
If there's anything I can do to improve it, or if there's anything that isn't specific enough, feel free to let me know.
Professional retard. I might borrow some code, but I always try to give credit when I do! If you've noticed I've borrowed some of your code, and you have a problem with that, please add me on Steam and let me know so I can correct the problem as soon as possible!
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