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Old 10-10-2018 , 13:10   Re: [TF2] Roll The Dice Revamped (v2.1.0, 07-10-2018)
Reply With Quote #182

Originally Posted by Phil25 View Post
You’re supposed to be able to respawn as long as the perk is active. But not to turn invisible afterwards.

This might be due to the fact that the perk is trying to restore the alpha value of of the character it read before it was applied. Are you sure you are actually visible before the effect?

What do I have to do to reproduce it? Anything in the logs?
Nothing in the logs but here's the details:

64 | Mercs Die Twice | New effect, Allows player to call MEDIC! to respawn in place if killed by an enemy. Suicides cannot be respawned from. Potential Bug: you are able to respawn in place more than one time per roll. BUG: If the rolling player decides to not respawn, and is continually killed by a dps class (You still have 1 health, but you ragdoll under this effect, allowing for more damage/kills). Rolling player will be completely invisible, weapons and all, upon calling Medic. This invisibility lasts until the roller is killed after the roll expires, and instead only the player model is still invisible, cosmetics and weapons reapear on normal respawn. This model-only invisibility persists through class change, death, team change (Including Spectator), and can only be fixed by reconnecting to the server via "retry" or manual reconnection.

(I had a fellow staff member from my community test out all 65 perks and make a list of any bugs he encountered. I can PM you the entire list once we're done doing more tests.)
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