Thread: Server crash
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Join Date: May 2015
Old 09-11-2018 , 13:06   Server crash
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Hello, after my server writes the following line: Logging into Steam gameserver account with logon token '4F242B54xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', the loading cursor comes up for a while then the server just closes and there is no error messages left behind. I'm running the server on windows 10 and this problem have come up only after the latest update pushed to the servers by valve. What could be the problem?

EDIT: when i disabled sourcemod i got something like an error message in the console but it was still crashing after that "Missing shutdown function for Sys_InitAuthentication() : Sys_ShutdownAuthentication()."

EDIT 2: my starting command line: "srcds -game csgo -console -usercon -high -tickrate 128 -net_port_try 1 +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +map de_dust +sv_lan 0 -port 27015 -maxplayers_override 12 +ip +host_players_show 2 -condebug"

EDIT 3: I installed a new pure server and i copied firstly my sourcemod and metamod stuff then the cfg folder and that was when it was crashing and I figured out that there was something in the server.cfg which the server didnt like so I will put my server.cfg here
"hostname "VALVE <3"
sv_password "0123456789"
sm_weaponpaints_c4 "0" // Enable or disable that people can apply paints to the C4. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
sm_weaponpaints_saytimer "10" // Time in seconds for block that show the plugin commands in chat when someone type a command. -1 = never show the commands in chat
sm_weaponpaints_roundtimer "-1.0" // Time in seconds roundstart for can use the commands for change the paints. -1.0 = always can use the command
sm_weaponpaints_rmenu "1" // Re-open the menu when you select a option. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
sm_weaponpaints_onlyadmin "0" // This feature is only for admins. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. (Use the value 1 and try to keep this plugin secret for the normal users because they can report it)
sm_weaponpaints_zombiesv "1" // Enable this for prevent crashes in zombie and 1v1 servers for knifes. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. (Use the value 1 if you use my knife plugin)
rcon_password 69
abner_bhop 1
tv_port "27020" - Sets the GOTV port to 27020 (should be 27020 by default).
tv_enable "1" - This activates GOTV on your server
tv_delay "30" - Change XX to the amount of seconds you want the broadcast to be delayed. Setting it to 0 will disable the GOTV broadcast delay and it will broadcast in real time.
tv_snapshotrate "64" - The amount of ticks you want the broadcast to be. In my opinion, 16 ticks (which is 16 by default) is good if your Internet is decent. 64 tick if you have a great Internet speed. 128 tick if you have a supreme Internet speed that is capable of handling live broadcasting unless you are planning on making videos using the GOTV demo. Keep in mind that if you are planning on setting up a 128-tick GOTV, the server must be 128-tick as well.
tv_advertise_watchable "1"
tv_password "" - Change "XXXX" to the password for the GOTV server.
tv_title "GOTV" - The title for the spectators GOTV UI.
tv_maxclients "10" - Change XX to the maximum amount of clients that are allowed to connect.
tv_nochat "0" - Set it to 0 to let other GOTV clients chat with each other, or set it to 1 if you want to disable the GOTV chat.
exec csgo_comp.cfg
mp_autokick 0
sv_hibernate_when_empty 0
sm_cvar sv_novmp 1
sm_cvar sm_nextmap de_dust
teamlogo_randomlogos 1
sv_competitive_official_5v5 1
sv_lan 0
mp_footsteps_serverside 1"

Last edited by kex007; 09-11-2018 at 13:38.
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