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Join Date: Sep 2015
Old 06-24-2018 , 04:28   Re: Is more than 32 players possible ?
Reply With Quote #24

Increasing the maximum player count would require at the very least these changes:
  • Increase size of clients list in the engine
  • Change engine code to send indices with more bits (client & server)
  • Change every line of code that references the maximum player count (patching code at runtime, client & server)
  • Redesign code that abuses the fact that the maximum player count is 32 to store booleans in integer (

So it's not possible with existing games & mods because you'd need to modify the code. Even if you could do it, you'd need to disable VAC so it would be a cheater's heaven, especially since there's already memory patching going on so adding your own cheats in would be a lot easier.
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