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Join Date: Apr 2018
Old 05-12-2018 , 11:42   HELP! Cannot add admins
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Hello. I simply... cannot add admins for sourcemod plugin.
I have warmod installed on my server - this server i log into online on clanforge to access the files there.

I have metamod, sourcemod & warmod installed. On launch of server, warmod is launched so it is smooth and successfully runs - but whenever i do !admin in chat or sm_admin in console, it says [SM] You do not have access to this command!

I've looked at tutorials, i've tried adding my steam id in the admin_simple.ini followed by "99:z" or "z" in the file, just literally it doesn't seem to work and it's been doing my head in for the past 24 hours. Please someone help me.

My current admin_simple screenshot

My current admin.cfg screenshot

My so i'm not putting the wrong id (instead of STEAM_0:1:59442017 i've tried that and also STEAM_1:1:59442017 as the 1 is what comes up when i type status on the server)

Can someone PLEASE try help and figure this out with me? I'm so confused nothing will work.
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