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Join Date: Oct 2010
Old 04-24-2018 , 13:36   Re: [TF2] Get weapon max clip size?
Reply With Quote #3

While Chdata's functions do seem particularly useful, I'm afraid I still can't figure this out, sorry. It's been ages since I touched SourcePawn and I've completely forgotten how to do this stuff, heh.

After doing a bit of poking around, I've found myself with an exception getting thrown up: "Couldn't load SDK function (CTFWeaponBase::GetMaxClip1)." I've got the gamedata file from Chdata's post installed, and spcomp compiles my modified plugin with only a tag mismatch warning, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Here's what my modified code looks like:

else if(StrEqual(attrib, "reload clip on damage"))
		new String:values[2][10];
		ExplodeString(value, " ", values, sizeof(values), sizeof(values[]));
		DamageReloads[client][slot] = true;
		new hWeapon = GetSlotContainingAttribute(client, DamageReloads);
		new maxClip = GetMaxClip(hWeapon);

		DamageReloads_Damage[client][slot] = StringToFloat(values[0]);
		DamageReloads_Max[client][slot] = maxClip;
		g_fTotalDamage1296[client] = 0.0;
		action = Plugin_Handled;
EDIT: And for comparison, here's the unmodified code:
else if(StrEqual(attrib, "reload clip on damage"))
		new String:values[2][10];
		ExplodeString(value, " ", values, sizeof(values), sizeof(values[]));
		DamageReloads[client][slot] = true;
		DamageReloads_Max[client][slot] = StringToFloat(values[0]);
		DamageReloads_Damage[client][slot] = StringToFloat(values[1]);
		g_fTotalDamage1296[client] = 0.0;
		action = Plugin_Handled;
(I know I don't need the ExplodeString stuff in my version since I'm trying to reduce it from two values required to just one, but I'm trying to take this one step at a time right now)

spcomp tells me the tag mismatch is on the "DamageReloads_Max = maxClip;" line, and the stack trace that Sourcemod gives me on the server just points to the line where I added "OnPluginStart_RegisterWeaponData();" in the plugin, which doesn't really tell me much. I couldn't quite figure it out with my own SDKCall either, but I forget what exactly happened there, I think it just didn't function properly in-game. I'll try again later to see if I can figure it out.

In the meantime, is there something obviously wrong with my code here that needs fixing? ^^;

Last edited by Qtheman; 04-24-2018 at 13:38.
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