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Old 03-03-2018 , 12:06   Re: [Editor] AMXXPawn for Visual Studio Code
Reply With Quote #11

Originally Posted by Bugsy View Post
This looks cool, I've been a die-hard AMXX Studio user forever my only complaint with it is the white UI and lack of custom 'new plugin' layout. I just installed this but I have yet to figure out how to get a plugin to compile. I tried selecting View->Debug and then the play button, but then it asks me to select an environment which I do not see AMXX as an option. A short tutorial from download, configuration to actual usage would be helpful. Even setting the directories in User Settings took some trial and error.
Yeah I can create a full tutorial.

I don't like the compiling process either. However it looks like I can use tasks now to do it, there's been some progress with them and it looks like my extension can provide a task template now. I need some feedback though, especially from people that use VSCode and tasks regularly:
  • Should I treat this as primarily a development tool? That means that I can require users to do something more than just put a path to the compiler because developers are capable of doing more than that. If I want to cater to a general public (server operators, admins) then I have to keep it simple, and it already isn't simple enough for some that are used to more GUI it looks like. Plugin consumers are used to hitting one button and compiling a plugin, while they can get stuck on anything a bit more advanced.
  • With tasks you won't be able to just open a file and hit a button or a shortcut to compile that plugin. Tasks are meant to be used for multi-file projects, and Pawn plugins are usually consisting of a single file. I don't know how I feel about this.
  • On the other side, other development environments use tasks because they are one unified way to compile stuff. I think "Run Build Task" is bound to Ctrl + Shift + B by default, so by using tasks you use "the one true way" of compiling things in VSCode.
  • amxxpc isn't in most people's %PATH%/$PATH, which would make everything much easier. Most other development tools are added to PATH during installation, amxxpc isn't one of them. I feel like I can't require plugin consumers to change their environment variables.

Originally Posted by HamletEagle View Post
One more thing, can you also add an option for amxx file name? Right now it's the same as the file name, but I would like to be able to set a predefined name.
You can use tasks if you need more customization, because your desire to have a specific filename seems to be project-specific, which tasks are great at. I don't feel like just setting the file name in settings is a good idea.

Last edited by klippy; 03-03-2018 at 12:13.
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