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Little Endian
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Old 01-26-2018 , 21:37   Re: Remove slow down when player hurt
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Something must have been tampering with the cvar. I rebooted my server and it now works like a charm! Thanks!

While I'm at it, I saw a post on Reddit:

But that 5% original speed reduction is overridden by the FlinchVelocityModifierLarge and FlinchVelocityModifierSmall values in each weapon scripts. You get a higher percentage of original movement speed lost after being hit, not a measly 5%.

You can already increase tagging without this hidden command. Tagging slowdown for each weapon is controlled by its respective weapon script's FlinchVelocityModifierLarge and FlinchVelocityModifierSmall values.

FlinchVelocityModifierLarge controls the amount of slowdown when shot in the head,chest,arm, abdomen/pelvis whilst FlinchVelocityModifierSmall controls the slowdown from being shot in the legs. The lower the value given, the higher the velocity penalty from being shot. If you reduce the number to 0.10 you get very heavy 1.6 style tagging.

Also not many people know this about GO where if you get tagged the acceleration straight after becomes much slower than normal. In spite what everyone says about GO's acceleration being faster than 1.6/Source, the acceleration after tagging is a special case and is in fact much slower than 1.6/CSS accleration. cl_showpos 1 shows this. It's the rather high values given to FlinchVelocityModifierLarge and FlinchVelocityModifierSmall that gives GO it's rather weak tagging which by the way CSS has as well despite that game having slower 1.6 style acceleration.
Have you already explored this possibility? While sm_cvar mp_tagging_scale does seem to work pretty well, I feel like there is still a bit a drag. Might it be because of it? Values of sm_cvar mp_tagging_scale above 20 don't seem to lower it any further (tried up to 255).
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