Description :>
COD Mysterybox the idea is taken from call of duty zombie...
still don't know what is a mysterybox
Cvars :>
* Cvars will only change its value on new round start.
- mybox_enabled
Default : 1
1 - plugin is enabled
0 - plugin is disabled
- mybox_flags
Default : "acd"
* a = spawn a mybox on round start,
* b = spawn a mybox every x second,
* c = remove all the myboxes on round end,
* d = spawn a mybox if a mybox has teddybear called AKA vanished.
- mybox_quantity_spawn_onroundstart
the quantity of spawning a mysterybox during the round start, Default is 1.
- mybox_loop_spawn_time
Default : "240" / 4 Minutes
the amount of time in seconds to spawn a mysterybox this cvar is useful when the cvar mybox_flags contain the value 'b'
- mybox_teddybear_chances
Default : "50"
the percent of showing a teddybear when opening the box.
Commands:>- Console Commands:
mysteryboxspawn spawn a mysterybox in a random location!
- Client Commands:
mysteryboxeditor Opens up the mysterybox editor menu
mysterybox_editor_menu Opens up the mysterybox editor menu
mysterybox_call_teddybear Calls a teddybear to the mybox that you are aiming at!
v1.0: Released.
v1.1: Item chances are now more correct, added Scale for sprites.
v1.1.1: Fixed a small bug prevented the box from opening!
v1.2: The code were optimized, fixed a bug that crashes the server due freeing a memory using remove_entity, added samantha laugther sound effect, gave the box yellow aura light effect, fixed items chances, created an API.
mysterybox_items.ini configuration....
PHP Code:
// Item name, currently its AK47
// COMMAND TYPE #1 is executing a function from a plugin.
// FORMAT will be like this
// "function_fullname" "plugin_fullname" "I:parameter 1 integer value" "S:parameter 2 string value" "F:parameter 3 float value".......
// WARNING : max parameters are 5.
COMMAND = "func_give_item mysterybox_functions.amxx I:%id S:weapon_ak47 I:30 I:90"
// item model.
MODEL = "models/w_ak47.mdl"
// item model angles.
MODEL_ANGLES = "0.0 0.0 0.0"
// item sound only wav type, the sound will be called when the item has been chosen.
SOUND = ""
// item accessflags
FLAG = "b"
// item chance.
// Item name is Restart
// item command type is 0 which its a server command
// command execution!
COMMAND = "sv_restart 1"
// ITEM accessflags is immunity.
FLAG = "a"
// item chances is 75 %
// Item name is introduction
// item command type is -1 which its a client command
// client console command execution!
COMMAND = "say hello, what a nice mysterybox!"
// item chances is 75 %
// Model sprite.
MODEL = "sprites/welcome.spr"
// Scale of the sprite half its original size.
SCALE = 50
check out the file for examples....
Extract all the files in the archive into your game/server folder....
Servers are using this plugin....