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Join Date: Aug 2016
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Old 06-28-2017 , 20:58   Clean Install TF2 Server Will Not Boot
Reply With Quote #1

Hello everyone. I have tried multiple times to get this to work but I can't no matter what resources I use. Before I tell you the error, I will tell you what I tried to do to fix it first.
  1. Reinstall VPS with Centos 7
  2. Reinstall VPS with Centos 6
  3. Reinstall SteamCMD
  4. Reinstall TF2 Dedicated Server
  5. Create a Symlink for the "missing files" (results in Segmentation Fault only)
  6. Copy the "missing files over to the folder they should be in (results in a Segmentation Fault only)
  7. Giving every single file 777 permissions within my user folder

Here is my error:
Loaded 449 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/hl2/hl2_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 5 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/platform/platform_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 5 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/platform/platform_misc.vpk for pure server operation. loaded for "Team Fortress"
Could not load:
Could not load:

dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/home/poseidon/.steam/sdk32/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
tf2/srcds_run: line 324: 18945 Segmentation fault      $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the tf2/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Wed Jun 28 20:58:50 EDT 2017: Server restart in 0 seconds
Wed Jun 28 20:58:50 EDT 2017: Server Quit
This error just constantly loops. Adding the "-debug" just results in another error and still doesn't run. Everything is a completely clean install of the TF2 Dedicated Server files. Does anyone have any idea what I could possibly do to get my server running?

EDIT: The "Server Quit" line was me typing "CTRL+C".

EDIT 2: Here is what happens when I take from it's location in tf/bin and copy it to .steam/sdk32:
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary: ./srcds_linux
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Using Breakpad minidump system. Version: 4016097 AppID: 232250
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 232250
Using breakpad crash handler
Loaded 7673 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_textures.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 7673 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_textures.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 465 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_sound_vo_english.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 465 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_sound_vo_english.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 1095 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_sound_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 1095 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_sound_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 1829 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 1829 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 1829 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/tf/tf2_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 1217 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/hl2/hl2_textures.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 574 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/hl2/hl2_sound_vo_english.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 383 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/hl2/hl2_sound_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 449 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/hl2/hl2_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 449 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/hl2/hl2_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 5 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/platform/platform_misc.vpk for pure server operation.
Loaded 5 VPK file hashes from /home/poseidon/steamcmd/tf2/platform/platform_misc.vpk for pure server operation. loaded for "Team Fortress"
Could not load:
Could not load:

Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
tf2/srcds_run: line 324: 19916 Segmentation fault      $HL_CMD
Add "-debug" to the tf2/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Wed Jun 28 22:13:48 EDT 2017: Server restart in 0 seconds
Wed Jun 28 22:13:49 EDT 2017: Server Quit
EDIT 3: I got "-debug" to work but this was the only thing in the "debug.log" file:
  GNU nano 2.3.1              File: debug.log

CRASH: Thu Jun 29 00:51:00 EDT 2017
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -debug -console -game tf -nohltv +sv_pure 1 +map ph_cchotel_b2 +maxplayers 32 -secured -timeout 0
End of Source crash report

Last edited by 1Poseidon3; 07-03-2017 at 00:29. Reason: Solved
1Poseidon3 is offline