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Old 12-03-2016 , 21:31   Re: [ANY] Store by Zephyrus [1.1 - 03.01.2016]
Reply With Quote #1007

Originally Posted by Sprilo View Post
Rather than selling the 'in demand' plugin I thought I'd just share it here since it is pretty simple.

I don't have a use for it anymore so I don't know if it works well or not. Never bothered to add slot support either but I might work on it more if people want.

Edit your addons/sourcemod/translations/store.phrases.txt and add
        "en" "Aura"
Edit your addons/sourcemod/configs/items.txt and add
        "Name of Aura"
            "particlename" "particles/example.pcf"
            "effectname" "Effect01"
            "position" "0.0 0.0 0.0"
            "price" "100"
            "type" "CustomParticles"
Position isn't needed but there is support for it anyways, particlename is for precaching and downloading pcf files. effectname is the unique ID, be careful and don't have two custom particles with the same effectname.

If people want I can also add a version with '!hideaura' support (I hear some people have FPS issues with particles).

If anyone wants to upload some particles just post it and i'll link it in this post so everyone can use.

I followed this guide but auras aren't working here. Everytime I try to run I get this error:

Attempted to precache unknown particle system "Effect01"!
Attempting to create unknown particle system 'Effect01'
I placed the files correctly in csgo/particles

		"particlename" "particles/public2.pcf"
		"effectname" "Effect01"
		"position" "0.0 0.0 0.0"
		"price" "1"
		"type" "CustomParticles"
I can see the item purchase and buy normally but by some reason it isn't working. I tried some obscure things like adding precache stocks to the plugin but it keeps not working. Tell me if auras keep working for you and if so please give me a pratical example because I think I have nothing more to try
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