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Old 10-01-2016 , 17:52   Re: SourceRev Advertisement Provider [Scam]

Originally Posted by AndrewJackson View Post
Sourcerev is definitely a scam. I've gotten paid every month for 3 years straight by motdgd and pinion. I've never once had them question the legitimacy of my impressions, as there is no question of their legitimacy. Sourcerev on the other hand, I had 1 account that went 3 months without getting paid. Send in a ticket, no response. Opened another account, ran their ads in the same manner as motdgd/pinion, ran for another 3 months without getting paid. Opened a ticket, no response. That's 6 months of unpaid impressions. Much less earnings that what I got from the other 2.

I put in another ticket and got told I was a fraud. And for some reason, included in that message, he went out of his way to say "I have people that will vouch for getting paid who aren't scamming me".

I've sent all of my Sourcerev invoices, as well as motdgd/pinion/adsense invoices and google analytics for all those unpaid months, to Playwire for them to investigate. I suggest everyone who has gotten ripped off do the same. Provide them with as much additional proof of your legitimacy as possible. I'm sure they will only tolerate so many complaints before he gets unapproved for them.
I must say, I use SourceRev without any problem, I get paid and everything. When SourceRev asked to make an invoice about confirming my servers, I did as they said and followed the template. No problem at all. Soon in October, will be my 1 year of using SourceRev, been paid till now and yeah...
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