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Join Date: Jul 2014
Old 07-28-2016 , 20:49   Re: [TF2] Custom Weapons 3 (Beta 1)
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--------------YoNer's Attributes-----------

Version : 2.1


Currently this plugin only adds the below attribute.

"trigger command" "command"
Upon hitting a player (any team) the selected command (512 chars max) will be executed on the server the plugin will also parse the command and replace all instances of "{target}" with the player that was hit

'sm_slay {target}'

If player "TommyGunn" is hit 'sm_slay {target}' will be executed as 'sm_slay "TommyGunn"' on the server

2.1 7/28/2016
Ported for Custom Weapons 3

1.1 7/15/2016
Updated to use ClientUserId instead of the clients name for security (Thanks nosoop!)

1.0 7/12/2016
First release

A little history

When I found Orion's Attributes for this plugin, which included the "Kick-Ban on Hit-Kill" attribute. I went ahead and made an actual Ban Hammer for TF2, by applying that to the Necro Smasher, which proved a great deal of fun.

However, I had to deactivate Orion's Attributes due to some issues with it's implementation of Hud Texts conflicting with other plugins I frequently use on my server (basically, having Orion's activated, even when not applied to any weapons, would cause Hud Text prints to not be visible most of the times. If anyone has a clue on how to fix, please tell me)

So, I still wanted to be able to Ban Hammer people into submission, without plugins conflicts (I could load custom-attributes or orion's on a case by case basis, I know) but that got me thinking if there was any plugins that allowed you to bind commands to a weapon, that's when I found Trigger Commands plugin by Chase.

Now this and old plugin that required DukeHacks and was never updated, so I couldn't get it to work (In my life I coded mostly in Basic and that was back in highscool). Also, the plugin wasn't exactly what I was looking for since it tied a preconfigured list of commands to some weapon events, I wanted to be able to make weapons on the go via commands and make them available only to a specific player, like Custom Weapon lets you.

So finally I decided to dust whatever amount of programing skills I had and decided to see if I was able to adapt both Orion's attributes and Trigger Commands. In the end I started basing my work on the basic-attributes plugin code included by MasterOfTheXP in the first post. They where clearly commented and were a great help to start tinkering and figuring out what changed I needed to do in order to add an extra attribute to that plugin to see if my concept worked. I took the code that parsed the command and actually executs it from Trigger Commands

After many attempts I was finally able to get it working and so I decided to release the attribute as a separate plugin to keep it tidy and be able to more easily add others I may want to add in the future. I removed all other attributes in the original code and kinda kept the structure (I removed most of the comments since I only used one type of event hook at the moment and in context most of them would not have made much sense otherwise, also I can always go back to the source code should I need to add other hooks or need to refresh my memory on what does what)

Anyway... Give me any suggestions, corrections or ideas you may have, I'm open to include them if I am able to code them and they are not two complex :-P


MasterOfTheXP for his Custom Weapons and Attributes plugins
Mr. Orion for his Attributes plugin
Chase for his Trigger Commands plugin
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (yoners.sp - 856 views - 4.0 KB)
File Type: smx yoners.smx (8.9 KB, 1203 views)
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