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Join Date: Aug 2013
Old 02-07-2016 , 20:46   Re: [HL2DM] Customguns
Reply With Quote #17

Hi laser,
It's definitely an issue on your side. I tested it on brand new linux server and it did toss (my main test server is win). However, there seemed to be some incompatibility with the custom folder on linux. If you still have some files under custom, move that to the main/root game directory (!).

I have been able to recreate the Gauss effects in sourcepawn, however some weird problems popped up which I'm hoping someone knowledgeable can help with.

First thing, calling SDKHooks' Takedamage on a breakable prop during CBaseWeapon::ItemPostFrame hook will somehow surpress all of the breakprop's gib effects, so it looks like the prop disappears. Almost as if something was adding DMG_NEVERGIB to the damageType. I've tried to call ClearMultiDamage first, but with no results. I have to do some ugly tricks using entities to do damage to props, which still doesn't work perfectly some times.

DispatchTraceAttack would have been better solution, unfurtunately it's not provided by sm. Afaik I can't call it myself due to first parameter being the object of CTakeDamageInfo. Really wish someone would correct me on this .

Secondly, lots of the sdk functions (like UTIL_ImpactTrace) take the trace_t object as parameter. Again, I don't think I can get the address of SM's internal pointer to the trace object, but would be great to have as a feature. If someone knows how to recreate and pass a trace object, let me know

I'm still able to finish the weapon, however it's not going to be sdk-perfect
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