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Old 01-12-2016 , 19:31   Re: [CS:GO] Simple CSGO Ranks
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Originally Posted by juss View Post
Thanks a lot <3

BTW i was wondering , is there a way to make this plugin not work on warmup rounds. i have like 10 Competitive servers and its like ~100 ppl playing , after install this sometimes i see flood message in console "SendNetMsg x.x.x.x:27005: stream[(null)] buffer overflow (maxsize = 4000)!" and it cause server to lag and i only see them on warmup rounds, i try to keep servers as clean as possible so i dont use any other plugins besides standart sourcemod have, stat is kinda cool future to have , on a warmup rounds too many kills happens so it does make server lag .. potentionaly maybe even will crash it .. do you think its possible to add to the script some string so it won't calculate stats on warmup rounds.. and i believe it will go crazy on gun game mod servers =)
This was one of my earlier plugins. It has a fair few limitations since I only designed it to work in retakes and wargames. The main issue I believe you are talking about is the kill buffer. The plugin assumes a maximum of 30 kills per round and only uses that much memory. If it detects that the buffer has reached its capacity during a round it forces it to update the ranks to prevent a crash. This involves it basically pausing the game and uploading the ranks to the MySQL server until the buffer is completely empty. You can probably bypass this by increasing the size of the buffer. This will use more memory. For most people this will not be a problem as it was designed to run on servers of any kind, for instance my test server at the time had less than 512MB of ram. In the future I can probably update large chunks to threaded queries which will resolve the issue entirely. I intend to do it eventually but I just have not found the spare time due to work and rl commitments. ;)

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