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I love purple
Join Date: May 2010
Old 12-11-2015 , 07:46   Re: [HL2DM] High Kill Server
Reply With Quote #2

Do you know that your text formatting can be annoying?

You used 2 fonts: a font not even in the available fonts list for this site, with a larger size than usual, a 2nd font instead of what should've been a quote or code block, again, way too large of a size.

You also used blank lines between text at a higher than average rate, making some people close this page as soon as they open because it smells like a troll.

Here I am trying it out in case this actually is fun for some people, I found it much like work if colors aren't involved.

Also in my opinion, High Kill servers should be banned. You could try headshots only, by setting the other damage modifiers besides
sk_player_head to 0. To still offer you something after all this reading, you can simply try to set all the damage multipliers to 100 or even 1000 if you have super duper chargers, maybe that will work.
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