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Old 09-07-2015 , 16:20   Re: VPP Gaming Network Motd Adverts
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Originally Posted by Horsedick View Post
Has anyone compared a month of similar traffic to say Pinion vs here? I looked thru the site but didn't see any comparison charts or a list of advertisers?
If you are serving ads in any of Pinion's "Tier 1 guaranteed" countries you won't be able to compare Pinion's monthly impressions with any other company including MOTDgd due to the fact that they pay you for every request whether an ad is served or not.

On the other hand you could compare VPP to MOTDgd in a lot of ways. In 2015 my fill rate with MOTDgd had been around 5% and that's being generous, one month was a bit better than the average. My fill rate for CSGO with VPP ranges between 10-20% in the past month or more. I don't know how that compares against their average for CSGO but I have reached out to a lot of my regular players asking them to install the correct version of Flash (PPAPI) so it helps when they are on our servers. I see even better performance with VPP on my Insurgency servers.

VPP has faster payment terms than MOTDgd (net30 vs net60), a bit better fill rate (in my experience, may be due to less clients serving ads, I don't know for sure), and custom MOTDs. MOTDgd has a more advanced control panel and detailed statistics as where VPP's dashboard is still evolving. MOTDgd also has a fluctuating eCPM which can be beneficial in Tier 1 countries.

All in all, I think if you are from North America and can take a couple months to give these guys a try, you will be happy. Not taking anything away from MOTDgd because they have a quality service. I just feel that even in it's infancy VPP is very promising when compared to a company that is now an industry veteran.
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