Thread: Rainbow?
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kingdom of weird stuff
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Old 06-28-2015 , 21:19   Re: Rainbow?

Originally Posted by ClassicGuzzi View Post
Why? I mean where does it say that?
There was a sticky here, and other mindless pictures deleted by askerkin, reason: something like "No politics in AM, please".
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."
This is logical but off-topic, what injustice are you talking about, and what is the justice according to you ? How to prove that your point of view about injustice is the right one ?
Originally Posted by ddhoward View Post
Why? This website is privately owned. And how far does this go?
A "public" one. I don't know what reasoning are you thinking about.
Should websites stay silent on issues such as SOPA/PIPA/CISPA/ACTA?
You are off-topic.
What if the website owner's LIFE depended on the issue? Should he be forced to remain silent?
What life and what issues ? What are talking about, seriously ?!!
Further, this IS NOT a political issue! It's a political issue to anyone it doesn't directly affect, perhaps, but to the people it DOES?
A logo will change the world and remove (I don't know what) issues ?...
How on Earth could any sane person view that as political?
Again, do not tackle complicated topics, you (as a human) are not able to say who's sane or insane.
From the point of view that the majority of the Western world has adopted.
Western world is THE right side ? Do they own the godlike reasoning to have the right to judge other nations ?
Ah yes, Majority.. The fake rule established by wrong people to impose their opinions, it has nothing to do with being right or wrong.
Originally Posted by asherkin View Post
The logo is changed to celebrate a decision that has been made, not push a political agenda.
You answer is logical. it should be nice if other celebrations are taken into consideration. Idk, anything that makes a difference..
That decision benefits a number of our staff and members, and causes no harm or hinderance to the others.
It revives the old, old, controversial homophobic impulses.