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Old 06-14-2015 , 21:45   Re: [ANY] SteamWorks
Reply With Quote #318

Originally Posted by scso1502 View Post
I'm afraid I have to ask this question here. Sorry if it sounds retarded. I post here only as a last resort and that's where I am at this point.

I run multiple TF2 and CS:S game servers on dedicated Windows 2008 Server box. I recently updated all the servers to the latest version of SourceMod and Source:MM. I also run the SM Updater.

As usual, after updating the servers, I checked to be sure all the SM plugins and SM extensions were loading correctly. Below is a printout of the SM_Exts List and it shows the SteamWorks Extension is not loading and reports a missing file. I have never used the Steamworks Extension on the server and have no idea what's calling on it. This must be new because the extension worked the last time I checked. I just don't recall how long ago that was. I can only assume it's another plugin is now that's trying to use it. Is this error going to cause a problem or should I ignore it? All the plugins are working fine on the servers so I really have no clue what this is trying to load for.

Again, sorry for the hassle. I just have no clue at this point.

Many thanks for any replies.

Below is a list of the plugins on the server is that means anything.
The Updater plugin now can use SteamWorks. That would be the plugin that is calling the SteamWorks extension. As you have the other extensions that can be used by the Updater Plugin you can just ignore this error.

If you do need to use SteamWorks get the latest version from here:
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