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AMX Mod X Plugin Approver
Join Date: Oct 2005
Old 04-15-2015 , 08:15   Re: SteamTools (v1.0.1)
Reply With Quote #34

Yes, more or less.

What does AMXX: At player's connection, it checks if there is a valid steamID, if not, it will check each 0.7 seconds until engine returns a valid steamID for the player, then execute the forward.

What does the module: It checks at server frame when steam API notifies engine about a client being approved.

Usually you will have: client_authorized -> Steam_OnValidateClient -> CSteam3Server::OnGSClientApprove -> "Arkshine<2><STEAM_0:0:172726><>" STEAM USERID validated"
If you want to make sure a client is "officially" validated, you should probably use this module forward.

Last edited by Arkshine; 04-15-2015 at 08:20.
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