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Old 10-30-2014 , 04:10   [TF2] Bumper Cars 0x0D (Last updated 11/1/2015 | 3:30AM CDT)
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[TF2] Bumper Cars
Before you give a suggestion, read the TODO list. It's probably already there.

  • This plugin adds the /car command to toggle riding in bumper cars on themselves.

    Admins can also force toggle it on others.

    This plugin also does some other fixes.
    - Precaches everything related to carts so they work on any map.
    - In sd_doomsday_event, your cart is removed during the jarate swimming spell and returned afterwards.
    - Can set infinite charge boost.
    - Can enable the ability to prematurely stop boosting by pressing +back
    - Can make everyone always spawn in a car.
    - Can make the /car command only usable by one team.
    - Can make only one team always spawn in a car.
    - Can fix the head resizing to always be normal.
    - Can enable suicide console commands while driving, which Valve recently disabled.
    - Fixes the bug where changing teams while in a bumpercar will let you switch teams without dying and respawning.
    - Read the changelist below for more!

    Happy Hallofrog! Frog. Frog frog.

    Sorry, I've never tried using Updater before, and I've been making fast updates to this thing.

  • sm_car <noparam|#userid|name> <noparam|on|off>
    Toggles bumper car on all targets or self.

    /car -> client toggles car on themselves
    /car @me -> same as above
    /car username -> admin toggles car on that player
    /car @all -> error, you need to say ON/OFF if you multi-target
    /car @blue on -> admin toggles car to be on, on all blue players
    /car @blue -> error, you need to say ON/OFF if you multi-target
    /tele @!cars -> admin teleports everyone who is not driving
    /slay @cars -> this is broken, because of valve, so you have to do the commands below
    sm_car <target> off; sm_slay <target> -> remove their car and then slay them

    By default, anyone can target themselves.
    Admins with access to ADMFLAG_CHEATS can target others.

    If it's single-target, not specifying ON or OFF will simply toggle the target.
    (Actually, specifying on/off when toggling it on yourself is messed up right now and will just always toggle).
    If you multi-target, you MUST specify ON or OFF.

    Also: sm_bumpercar -> Does the same as above.

    You can also target @cars and @!cars to affect people in cars, or not in cars.

  • sm_cvar tf_halloween_kart_boost_duration Default: "1.5"
    -1.0 = Infinite charge duration. Any other negative value means 0 charge duration. 0 = 0 charge duration. Anything higher is your new charge duration. Does not affect boost pads in maps.
  • sm_cvar tf_halloween_kart_boost_recharge Default: "5.0"
    How long it takes for your boost to recharge after activation. Less than or equal to 0 is instant.
  • List of Valve's kart cvars:
  • cv_bumpercar_version Default: "0x0X" - Bumper Car Version (DO NOT CHANGE)
  • cv_bumpercar_teamonly Default: "0" - Which team can use car command when targeting themselves?
    0 = Anyone can enter bumper cars via command | 2 = Only red | 3 = Only blu | Anything else = Anyone can.
    - This can negate the effects of setting cv_bumpercar_respawn to 2 so it only works for one team.
  • cv_bumpercar_headscale Default: "3.0" - Head scale for when you're in a bumper car.
    Min 0.1; Max 3.0
  • cv_bumpercar_respawn Default: "1.0"
    1 = Keep car on respawn | 0 = Lose car after death | 2 = Everyone automagically spawns in a car all the time every time they respawn
  • cv_bumpercar_suicide Default: "1"
    1 = people in car can suicide | 0 = cannot suicide
  • cv_bumpercar_spawntoggle Default: "1"
    1 = have to respawn to enter/exit car | 0 = can enter/exit car at any time - don't need to respawn
  • cv_bumpercar_backstop Default: "1"
    1 = +back cancels speed boost | 0 = +back does not cancel speed boost
  • cv_bumpercar_blockplayerdmg Default: "1"
    1 = enable damage block for non-drivers attacking drivers | 0 = no damage block, non-drivers can damage and kill drivers
  • cv_bumpercar_percent Default: "-1"
    -1 = (anything negative) car damage acts like it normally does | 0+ (anything non-negative) car damage percentage stays at this integer all the time
  • cv_bumpercar_initpct Default: "0"
    An amount of damage cars start with on spawn. Only applies if cv_bumpercar_percent is -1.

Admin Overrides:
  • adm_bumpercar_self - (Default: Anyone)
    Admin flag check for whether or not clients can toggle bumper cars on themselves
  • adm_bumpercar_target - (Default: Cheats)
    Admin flag check for whether or not clients can toggle bumper cars on others

  • Make sure you have Sourcemod.
  • Get Plugin below.
  • bumpercar.smx goes in tf/addons/sourcemod/plugins/
  • plugin.bumpercar.cfg will be auto-generated in tf/cfg/sourcemod/
  • bumpercar.sp is only needed for programmers.
  • You can use /rcon sm plugins load bumpercar to enable the plugin mid-game. unload to remove it. reload to update it if you change or reupload bumpercar.smx
  • After it's loaded, edit tf/cfg/sourcemod/ch.bumpercar.cfg to your settings.

0x0C (11/7/2014 | 12:31AM)

* Being removed from your car removes the KartDash and KartCage
* Fixed players not being oriented with their spawn points on spawn
* Removed the halloween gates, kept the movement prevention
* Fixed falling off the map not killing drivers
Older Changes:

TODO: (High priority)
* At X percent car damage, the car just explodes.
* Add a cooldown on the alternative suicide method.

Priority except slightly less:
* Fix for /slay and similar scenarios being unable to kill cars.
* Admins toggling car on others can bypass cv_bumpercar_spawn
* Fix weapons not always being hidden when entering a bumper car (try holy mackeral for example).
* Prevent bumper car toggle in sd_doomsday_event during the bumper car minigames.
* Fix forced taunts not re-entering the car when finished.
* Fix wrong team colored cars.
TODO: (As I get to it)

  • Dr. McKay who made the first kart plugin.
  • FlaminSarge who gave coding contributions and suggestions.
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Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (bumpercar.sp - 4711 views - 31.0 KB)

Last edited by Chdata; 11-01-2015 at 04:30.
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