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Old 10-03-2014 , 00:02   Re: Multiple servers from same SRCDS installation => Bad?
Reply With Quote #31

Originally Posted by Ellie View Post
Cool. I'll be sure to look into it. Thanks.

Oh and BTW, that message about "server_message quit" did that happen when you restarted the server or did you manually enter the quit command? If it happened on it's own,, that is not normal.
It happened automatically. Right after the crash. The timings were staggered. Like one of the above posts, i've mentioned where some log data is missing during the time of crash. like a few minutes before and a few minutes after. (sv_logflush 1)

this server_message quit happens after the crash and the server had successfully restarted itself.
Does the server send a quit when it hibernates?
Cause that server is a coop server and it's set to hibernate when empty. I was guessing that since the server got empty after the crash and it auto-restarted, and no one one in the server, it hibernated and sent a quit signal. Maybe? I've got no idea on this part.
(Refering to this post)

But so far, no crashes after I redownloaded and installed everything from scratch. (I also reinstalled my OS just in case I did some wrong settings)
Originally Posted by Ellie View Post
I've heard people saying it's beneficial to do that, but I call BS on that. I've had one server running for 2 months right now with out a single restart and it's still running right now with no issues. I guess restarting is good for those servers that are not stable when you have too many player slots or mods being used at once (and there's a lot of those out there) or possible bad configuration or conflicts between mods.
Understood. I read an article that said the good things and bad. The good was something about "refreshing" the servers. Not sure what it really meant. Another was saying this is to remove everything that was cached (like things that are no longer needed but taking up memory and stuffs)

I'm trying to find the article but like always, I had 100 over tabs open during my "research" time and i don't always save them.

Btw, it's easier to manage symlinks in linux. I always had some issues with mkdir function in windows. Maybe cause I don't really know windows way of symlink-ing. I've been using linux for quite some time so it was easier to manage symlinks there.

Last edited by Neevar; 10-03-2014 at 00:04.
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