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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Argentina
Old 05-10-2014 , 20:25   Set player animation
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Hello Modders,
I want to write a simple plugin which sets the player animation to any of the default existing animations.
I tried with this code from Andersso:

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

public OnPluginStart()
    AddTempEntHook("PlayerAnimEvent", OnPlayerAnimEvent);
    RegConsoleCmd("test_playeranimevent", Command_TestPlayerAnimEvent);

public Action:OnPlayerAnimEvent(const String:te_name[], const Players[], numClients, Float:delay)
    new client    = TE_ReadNum("m_hPlayer");
    new event    = TE_ReadNum("m_iEvent");
    new data    = TE_ReadNum("m_nData");
    PrintToChatAll("AnimEvent: Player: %i, Event: %i, Data: %i", client, event, data);

public Action:Command_TestPlayerAnimEvent(client, args)
    decl String:arg1[64], String:arg2[64], String:arg3[64];
    GetCmdArg(1, arg1, sizeof(arg1));
    GetCmdArg(2, arg2, sizeof(arg2));
    GetCmdArg(3, arg3, sizeof(arg3));
    TE_WriteNum("m_hPlayer", StringToInt(arg1));
    TE_WriteNum("m_iEvent", StringToInt(arg2));
    TE_WriteNum("m_nData", StringToInt(arg3));
And tested it on my servers, and worked ! but there is a big problem with this code: It doesn't tell me the client number (from the server perspective)
Example: client=0 is the server itself, client=1 is usually the first player entering game, etc.

I would like to write a simple function that sets a client (argument by clientId) animation to any of the default ones (like crouching, knife, etc)
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